2018 World Cup: Kylian Mbappe will donate money to a charity


Mbappe has repeatedly emphasized that performances in national colors are a great honor and distinction for him. For this reason, already before the World Cup in Russia, he announced that he would not accept the bonuses guaranteed by his relationship to play in the team. The footballer is an ambassador of the First Foundation of Cordee, which organizes sports activities for children with disabilities. The French will transfer all the money earned during the World Cup to this account.

And considering that Les Bleus won the second title in history Sunday, it is a lot of money. According to the media Mbappe of the so-called production has accumulated around 140,000 euros, and the bonus to win the final, which amounted to 400,000, must also be added. This means that more than half a million euros will go to the account of the organization.

– Kylian is a great man. When the weather permits, he visits us. He has very good relationships with our students and is always able to motivate them appropriately. Sometimes I even feel like playing football with kids gives it more fun than the kids themselves – said Sebastien Ruffin, head of the organization of Cordee's Prime Ministers [19659004]. [ad_2]
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