2018 World Cup. Polish National Team. From Biasi: "Thursday I was practically a selector" M | 2018


One of the candidates of the coach of the Polish national team Gianni de Biasi gave a surprising expression to the Italian radio RMC. In the program "Maracana", Italy has addressed many issues, but he also received a question about the possible work in the Polish national team. The coach 's response may shock

Jerzy Brzêczek as coach of the national team. "Do not be afraid of the big names of the team"

– Thursday I was practically already a coach, but Boniek chose a Pole. I felt as if I had been fired. I would love to discover this person, not the media – De Biasi surprised on the radio RMC Sport

It is worth adding that De Biasi was once very close to the Polish national team, Mateusz Borek and Cezary Kowalski wrote about it priests "The Short Ball" was a moment right after the 2016 Euro, when Zbigniew Boniek could not contact Adam Navawa about the new contract. Zbigniew Boniek made a statement on Saturday at TVP Sport, in which he said he spoke with a foreign coach, but he did not convince him and that is why he chose the Polish candidate.

Jerzy Brzêczek as coach of the national team. Coach Wisła Płock

– To a foreign coach who inspired me, I wrote a short piece of information: "listen, I will not call you again, write me, how do you evaluate the Polish representation, how do you see it and what do you know about it? "… This is not what we expect from a person because He gave information about Wikipedia – said Boniek in an interview with TVP Sport

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