2018 World Cup. Severe punishment for the English for illegal leggings


70,000 Swiss francs will have to pay the English Football Federation for the irregular gaiters that their representatives wore during the quarter-final match against Sweden at the World Cup. The fine was imposed by FIFA
  Szymon Łożyński

Szymon Łożyński

Getty Images
/ Matthias Hangst
/ In the picture: Harry Kane (England)

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Their representatives say that the leggings that the footballers wore (Dele Alli, Eric Dier and Raheem Sterling) did not have any authorized marks. the same players violated, here the quote from the FIFA statement, "the media and marketing regulations of the football federation". Interestingly, during the tournament, a similar punishment was punished … the Swedish federation. Their players also broke the rules of marketing, but at previous meetings.

The quarter-final clash between Sweden and Lviv Albion's staff ends with the victory of the Islanders 2: 0

The penalty for the English is the second highest of the World Cup in Russia. Previously, 105,000 Swiss francs had to be paid by the Argentine federation. It is the effect of the behavior of their supporters who at one of their representation meetings threw objects on the grass and chanted vulgar cries.

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