2018 World Cup: Stanisław Czerczesow interrupted the interview


The debate on alleged doping began after Russia's match with Spain. The reporters noticed something in Arthur Dziuba's hand that looks like a trace of injection. An avalanche of speculation has begun. Sborna's doctor explained that during the tournament the players are regularly drawn and that it is a standard procedure

– How will you refer to doping votes in the Russian national team? – asked the publisher Czerczesowa. "Ask me what has been proven, then I will give you the answer," said the coach, and left the room. After a long conversation behind the scenes, he decided to come back and continue the interview.

The case did not stop there. When the reporter recalled that after the Sochi Olympics, many Russian athletes were caught in the act, Czerczesow replied: Russia is not interested in what you think.

Coach Legia does not hide the fact that his team said goodbye to the quarter-finals World Cup. – We did not win the medal, so we can not say that we succeeded – commented the coach.

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