2018 World Cup. The process of learning, or to trace the staff of Adam Nawiel M1 2018


The draw meant that Whites and Reds controlled the situation at the end of the elimination of EURO 2016 and that the rivals had come out of this race. Moments in front of Nawawa in the same place was pale as the wall of injured Gordon Strachan, he was also seen after the Polish selector emotions still hold him.

In recent days, much has been said and written about the Navas workshop, its approach to footballers and the media. Most of them were either stressed or just lying theories.

I do not know what was Ada Navinai's lecture on which I was, but there were many, probably a hundred or more. From the first post-match after the defeat to Wrocław with Slovakia, the atmosphere looked like Franciszek Smuda's goodbye to the same place. Of course, many were similar, not very specific, with weak questions and elusive round answers. Carlos Sanchez gets a penalty after fatal mistakes at the World Cup

And over time, more important than what happened during the conference was the extra time after turning off the cameras. It has become a traditional tradition that after the start of each group, the coach comes out and waits for the journalists to discuss it. And then there was the kind of Adam Navail, as they also knew the footballers: full of energy, who speak decisively, short sentences, often their equivalents. There were ideas for texts written there, and sentences were written in his words, but without quotations. Who today claims that he has fatally cooperated with the media probably never thought of coming to the conference, waiting for the end of the conference and perhaps trying to talk. And then no question was left without a concrete answer.

In overtime, you could see the energy that he transmitted to everyone and to everyone. Even when he was mean – like during the match break in Copenhagen, then he had to reach the maximum – just to stimulate, get up, provoke something better.

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Adam Nawałka and overflowing energy

This energy was overwhelming and literal. Also in meetings in the corridors in the office, where he spent most of the week with the staff, often late in the evening. "How is it formed?" – it was possible to hear it most often, in all circumstances and in relation to everyone. This aura has been maintained and the day of saying goodbye to the representation, though on a short and organized basis, a meeting with the office staff.

During this description of the staff, my role has changed – from the outside .pl), to the person assigned to the first representation in the PZPN department. Consent to observe the trainings was not obvious, I only had it for the last classes before the match in Podgorica. Aside from the side, do not fall in the eyes, but watch with fascination how Hawaiada manages the group and his staff, who gives orders, how he turns to the footballers. Never a nickname, a name, but always a name, sometimes only a diminutive.

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In Arłoam, I observed the precision and determination with which he conducts tactical training, teaching players to move in a group of three middle-class defenders. As for the centimeter, carefully belayed, in multiple repetitions. Practice the ball by itself, imposing the automatic response of the defenders. He did not do as a person in the round of World Cup events, but was convinced of the legitimacy of his actions and the level that will be required during the tournament.

Kamil Glik and an injury

Was the last training before the announcement of the World Cup when it arrived. At first, no one thinks that Kamil Glik's injury will be serious until the collapsed football player descends the pitch. Already at that time, a transport to the hospital was organized, the trainer passed and explained to the accused what was waiting for him. And when Glik left, he took Marcin Kamiñski aside and asked him to stay with the staff, despite the fact that he was not in the game. All this in a few minutes, such a micro crisis management.

And after this training, he also asked some footballers to explain the reasons for his decision. Whenever this happened, the competitor finally thanked the trainer for the opportunity, considering it as well as the kind words of "reserves", "potential", "work" and "doors wide open".

Now, everyone is repeating, how much Hawaa has focused on the details, but the knowledge of footballers' relationships, and seeing at the coaching are two different things. I will be with my head, as in the last pre-start activities in Moscow for a match with the Senegalese, which was very qualitative and full of intentions and did not announce what was happening at the start of the race. World Cup, the coach approached Thiago Cionka explained to him how to present the ball: so that he does not improve his soles several times before playing. That he would not do it, as later in the meeting he arrived …

Therefore, I believe that the most valuable work of the coach during the World Cup has determined the individual mistakes of his footballers – that he then took on himself. wrong selection of ingredients. Or perhaps the fact that his message did not affect footballers so much? In the end, Nawałka himself said that he had squeezed the maximum of the team and to be able to do something more, the representation needed somebody to do it. ;other.

Adam Nawałka and przemięczenie?

Can he be tired? I remember that after the match against Montenegro – after his good start and dramatic end – which gave me a place in the world championship, I followed the coach for a conference of press. I remember that moment tiring the coach with every step, fatigue resulting emotions, but also all the way to the World Cup. As he admitted at the farewell conference, he saw that the team needed new impulses as it struggled to maintain a high level and control the ground. Now, this slow walk from the locker room to the room, I understand even better. But at the entrance of the camera, the selector was again full of energy and decision

. Another march of this type took place after the match against Lithuania. – Coach congratulations – I said after the victory 4: 0, completely out of the idea of ​​a way to greet. But the face of the coach was sour. – I'm not at all – he answered calmly

I have no problem admitting that the more I was interested – from a professional point of view – at the show, the more j & rsquo; I was close to him, plus I was impressed by this style of work … it made me a little scared. In the first place, focusing on the details, making it projected on how I wrote about the staff, on which aspects I focused. I was impressed by the organization and the pressure to make it as good as possible. It was also a process of learning how many things decide on the end result and how lucky you should be despite taking care of everything. In the election of footballers in their careers, with injuries, decide who will play that day.

And he was terrified because of how much energy it had to cost, how much this style of work required deductions from the coach and his coach. staff. It's easy to say: he was paid for it. But often, there was an impression that more people were made than anyone thought. In travel staff members at all matches Ekstraklasa, including how he took care of footballers, even further down the rankings, looking for ways to create additional training conditions, medical or physical consultations.

Adam Nawałka An unusual and professional word

There are many elements that I would like to mention: about all the unusual but professional words of Adam Navajki, how few minutes after the last game, he met the staff and briefly discussed a consistent message with the footballers. It should be described in detail why his lectures were not as boring and unproductive as many people think (because you had to read between the lines, as in the last four meetings). And add, with what enthusiasm Hawahel helped not only his footballers – what I could feel at the time of health problems.

I was on 41 of the 50 matches of the Polish national team under the leadership of Adam Navajki. I've seen the biggest triumphs, but also the most serious defeats. Arkadiusz Milik's goal against Germany was the first that I experienced while watching the national team live – even though it was probably my fifth or sixth match by team. And what happened to me before the role of a journalist is for me a false hope and a disappointment, has already become a fascination for her, detailing the work of football and precisely because of the staff Hawares is become a source of inspiration to be part of a similar team.

And when, thanks to the U-20 team and Jacek Magiera's proposal, I came to it, the energetic and energetic way of saying:

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