220 kilograms of dream fish were caught in Czarna Hańcza


220 kilograms of dream fish were caught in the Czarna Hańcza river. This is the result of the failure of the Suwałki treatment plant last week and the release of about 2,000 cubic meters of sewage into the river. This is a small amount of impurities, and Czarna Hańcza should be cleaned up after only one day – it is the opinion of Suwałki authorities adopted by scientists from the University of Warmia and Mazury conducting their research in Czarna Hańcza.

Part of the wastewater managed to catch firefighters. The president of Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji (PWiK) in Suwałki, Leszek Andrulewicz, explained the causes of the failure of the conference. The pumps were inflated. Monitoring has shown that the pumps do not provide treated wastewater to the river and that they flow into the river. However, the dispatcher who supervises the monitoring did not switch the devices to efficient pumps – he said. It is not yet known what the consequences will be for the PWiK employee.

Immediately after Friday's outage, the action on the river was carried out by firefighters who fished the Black Hańcza waste and dead fish. The action was difficult. It is easier to collect petroleum-based substances. As explained by the director of the Wigry National Park, Jarosław Borejszo, park employees have picked up 220 kg of dreamed fish, mainly trout and sea trout, last weekend. Some pieces measured 60 cm

. Polluted water from the Czarna Hańcza has spilled into Lake Wigry. Monday, the Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in Suwałki began to do research on water in Wigry. In many places samples have been taken and sent to the laboratory

. Director Borejszo believes that Wigry should not be seriously affected by the pollution of the black Hañcza. We have information that at first, in some places the water was cloudy, but today it is better – Borejszo added.

As reported Saturday, the head of the office of President Suwałki Kamil Sznel, the breakdown lasted 6 hours. The city pre-informed that there was no ecological disaster.

Suwałki self-government will finance the purchase of half a ton of fingerlings for the Black Hańcza, after the failure of the sewage treatment plant in Suwałki (Podlasie ). six meters. wastewater – said Monday Vice President Suwałki Łukasz Kurzyna

Vice President Kurzyna said the provision to repair the damage after the consequences of failure. We asked the director of the company to pay environmental compensation. We want it to be at least half a ton of fry. According to what the environmental inspection report shows, we are open, we will do everything it will be. – Kurzyna added

Employees of Wigry National Park, firefighters and other service representatives fished at least 250 kilograms of books According to the director of Wigry National Park, Jarosław Borejszo, he Was mainly trout and trout, some of which measured 60 cm long and Boreyszo added that about 80% of the remaining dead fish were left in the mud and undergrowth


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