424 thousand numbers transferred in the second quarter of 2018, Premium Mobile with the best balance


According to the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), in the second quarter of this year, more than 424,200 operators were transferred between operators . numbers while the biggest changes in this regard occurred in April, at the top of 143.5 thousand.

Quarterly the greatest number of numbers were acquired by Play (119,961 thousand), Orange (91,691 thousand) and T-Mobile (87,337 thousand). The same order was on the losing side – the largest number of users left Play (134,464 thousand), Orange (112,077 thousand) and T-Mobile (81,331 thousand) [19659003] In the balance general numbers lost and acquired first, as in the previous quarter, the virtual operator Premium Mobile (13,449 thousand numbers), currently exceeding T-Mobile Polska (6.060 thousand.) and Aero 2 (4,894,000).

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