500 more. There may be problems with the payment of the benefit? [27.11.2018]


500 Plus Family Program it is not taxed 500 PLN per month for every second child and the following children, without the income criterion. Low-income families will also receive assistance for the first or only child. This equates to 6,000 PLN, net of the annual alimony.

500 more. Problems paying for benefits?

Why would there be delays in paying 500 more? According to money.pl, it is an action of protest led by social workers. This is another professional group that is complaining about low income, with new job tasks.

1000 PLN per child instead of 500 PLN? PiS announces changes in the 500 plus program

Social workers ask, among other things, to establish a balance between wages and salaries of employees of communal offices.

Will the protest action affect the timely payment of more than 500 benefits?

According to Money.pl, according to Rafalska, these are issues that are not related to the 500, because for the service of the program, the station pays high commissions and these should be sufficient to ensure proper remuneration of employees.

Municipal employees in Toruń who support the 500 plus and 300 plus programs have enough. They complain about the working conditions and pay. The unit is under PIP control.

At more than 500, work on and for a pittance

500 more. How to get an advantage

To get money, the parent must submit villages for payment of the benefit. Applications for educational benefits for the following period, from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, may be submitted online from July 1 on the website of the Ministry of the Family empatia.mrpips.gov.pl, by bank or through the ZUS PUE portal, and from 1 August by traditional means (paper), in person at the office or by post.

The Family 500 plus program is PLN 500 per month for the second child and subsequent children, regardless of income. Low-income families will also receive assistance for the first or only child with the criterion of an average monthly income of PLN 800 net or PLN 1200 to raise a disabled child into a family. It's even 6,000 PLN, net of annual support for a child.

1000 plus – possible valorisation of the 500+ program.

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