500 plus for the first child not for the farmer


They are at a disadvantage with the 500 program more ...

They are at a disadvantage with the 500 program more … / © 123RF / Picsel

As we recently wrote, the income of a family entitled to a benefit greater than 500 for the first child is determined on the basis of the "historical" income – for the farmer this year, that is, say for the 2018-2019 payment period, the 2017 income is taken into account. The GUS calculated this income at 3399 PLN. In this case, the loss of agricultural income is not taken into account, for example because of the drought.

According to Stanisław Szwed, deputy minister of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy, in response to the parliamentary inquiry, in September 2018, 3,719,000 people were entitled to education benefits. children, including 1,311 thousand in rural communes and 922,000 in urban-rural communes.

It was also calculated that "the total share of children of rural and urban gminas in the total number of children benefiting from the child care allowance is 60%" and "among the 1 334,000 families receiving the income test, in 174,000 families only the only type of income was the income from farm operation ".

It is still unclear how many children from farm families receive a benefit of 500 and over. It's unclear why 174,000 Farm families already entitled to benefits for the first child, the minister considers that it is a small number and describes it as "only" and not "up & # 39; to." We do not know how many families with income in other professions perceive this benefit for the first child and if this is not a tiny percentage in total. Is it also possible to take advantage of these families without calculating their actual current income?

It is also unclear how many farm families will lose the opportunity to receive an allowance for the first child, even if they lose their income – although their GUS figures show an increase. Nobody counts the real income of a farmer.

To the question of deputies: "How many children in the village can to the 500+ program in 2019, if we take into account the new conversion hectare rates for 2018? Have appropriate simulations been carried out at the Ministry of the Family of Labor and Social Policy and what are the conclusions? "

The Ministry of the Family responded as follows:

"The amount of average labor income on individual farms of one hectare announced by the announcement of the President of the Central Statistical Office depends, in a given year, of many factors, including weather conditions.It should be noted that the announced rate of income per hectare does not always increase at certain periods, due to various factors, the value of income decreased, as was the case by example between 2013 and 2015. Between 2014 and 2015, the income of one hectare decreased by 531 PLN.

The increase in revenue recorded in 2017 does not mean a direct impact on Depending on the program, the family situation might change for other reasons, for example the emergence of another child will result in a lower income per person in the family. "

That's what MRPiPS has to say about it. Is it a clue for farmers, but how to get a benefit of more than 500 for the first child? Will the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy send such an indication to representatives of other professions?


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