68% of Poles positively evaluate their financial situation


Almost 70% of Poles positively evaluate their financial situation, despite the rising cost of living, according to the report "The Polish Statistical Portfolio" of the National Debt Register (1965-19002) "Number of dunikw in the database Data from the National Register of Dugues in the last three years We have decided to confront Poles with their financial situation Once again, it has turned out that positive opinions on this subject are not always reflected in the behavior of Polish and in their actual actions or behaviors.Mew in shortcut: The Poles generally evaluate their financial situation well, but the number of dunikw, that is to say the worse ones, increases, "said the president. KRD Adam, quoted in the statement. the financial situation compared to last year is better, while those who are worse off are 10 points. percent. less. On the improvement of the financial situation, the most important impact was the increase in household income (in 67% of cases), and much less often (27% indicate it). ) the reduction of expenses and the possibility of savings. In turn, 15% of Poles admitted to having more money available to them, because they managed to pay off their indebted debts in the form of loans or loans. At the same time, 9% of respondents correct the situation attributed to the 500+ program it was given.

On the other hand, the Poles see the reasons for the deterioration of the situation in the increase in expenses caused by the increase in the cost of living in the country. This was indicated by 61% of Poles whose financial situation deteriorated. In turn, 22% admitted that they had a worse financial situation, because their income decreased compared to the previous year.

"Compared to the first edition of the survey" Polish statistical portfolio "from 7% to 25% In general, they do not have to limit their spending, especially the elderly average or average age who live in large cities and whose household income exceeds 6,000.

It should be noted that high incomes are not always good In the group of the best employees, 7% of statements of serious financial difficulty also appeared,

"The income reported by the respondents is the household income. Maybe it's a large family, in which such a sum is not enough for all needs. The more we earn, the more we expect from life: a nice apartment, a newer car, expensive clothes, etc. All of this costs, and as our interlocutors stress: the costs of living in Poland are increasing. Certainly, those who have a significant income but say that they "are not enough for their immediate needs" or "must limit their expenses", do not really think about their financial strategy, pursuing too many obligations, who simply do not have enough income today. That is why we always repeat, regardless of income, the financial value of the stamp, so as not to get in trouble. Dugi is not only the domain of the poorest and those living on the border of poverty, it seems, but to a large extent the problem of the middle class, which is rather good. "

Despite the participation of Poles in a difficult financial situation, today, three years ago, it is a significant increase in the percentage of people who evaluate their financial situation extremely low." Currently, 9% of people admit "that they do not even have enough", whereas three years ago 4% of respondents

C is by far the worst of people with the lowest incomes (with a net income less than 2,000, 24%) and people with primary education (23%) .19% of them admit that they are not enough for their lives, and another 30% must limit their expenses a lot, and also

Every third pole expects an increase in revenue over the next 12 months. Interesting, compared to the first edition search " Statistical portfolio of a pole a "percentage of people who see posit the increase in earnings, with wages rising from 12% in 2015 to 35% today. " 19659002 "Financial optimists are more often men (47% vs. 27%) and fashion folks.The more fashionable, usually expect a salary increase.The highest probability for a viewer to get the best situation (household income greater than 6,000) – nearly half of them expect an increase in income. Less chance for the viewer earning the least: up to 2,000 z – 26% and up to 3,000 z – 24% "- we read further

The data contained in the press release come from the first part of the second edition of the statistical report Polish. The report was prepared on the basis of the results of Kantar Millward Brown's surveys of a representative group of Poles. The data obtained from the opinion poll also contains data from the National Register of the Bureau of Economic Information


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