Józef Pinior accused of corruption. Inform the prosecutor's office


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  Józef Pinior with a corruption charge

Photo: Marek Lapis / FORUM

Video: TVN facts
The former Senator PO was accused of accepting a bribe of at least 40,000 PLN. Video: Pinior without arrest (archive footage, "Fakty" TVN)

The prosecution has sent an indictment in the case Józef Pinior, accused of committing crimes of corrupt nature – announced the parquet floor Tuesday. With the former senator, his assistant and three other people were charged.

Józef Pinior is one of the most important opposition activists in the years of the Polish People's Republic in Lower Silesia. The former senator does not recognize the charges against him from the beginning. He faces eight years in prison.

The prosecutor's office announced on Tuesday that the department of the Department of Organized Crime and Corruption of the Prosecutor's Office of Poznań had filed a complaint against a former senator of the Warsaw-Śródmieście District Court. 19659035] Tens of thousands of zlotys in the financial profits

Pinior was accused of accepting property benefits in the amount of at least 40 000 PLN. In return, he was to settle the case of Tomasz G., a businessman investing in Lower Silesia, at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and at the Warsaw National Fire Service headquarters. . The crime was to be committed in 2015. The assistant of Senator Jarosław Wardęga was accused of being an accomplice (as Józef Pinior agreed to give his nickname).

"During the administrative proceedings, the suspect Józef P. accepted the authorization of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development withdrawal of technical regulations and construction for the planned construction of the shopping center, Nowy Targ Shopping Center in Jelenia Góra, after obtaining a positive opinion from the National Fire Department, Office of the Prosecutor

Pinior and his assistant were also accused of having accepted in 2015 the promise of a property gain PLN 20,000, and the acceptance of the property benefits of the amount of six thousand zlotys and five thousand zlotys of suspects Albin M. and Krystian S. According to the public prosecutor, in exchange for l 39; money the defendants had to take care of mineral extraction and refers to influences in the institutions

Albin M. and Krystian S. were accused of granting financial benefits to a senator and to his assistant, some of which was to be transferred to employees employed in some state and local government institutions to complete a concession.

"The money was accepted"

"The money for Senator Józef P. was paid into his bank account and accepted by him, while the money from the bank was paid off. an amount of five thousand zlotys transferred to Jarosław W. was accepted by him, however, they were not passed on to public officials "- She gave PK.

The investor in Lower Silesia, businessman Tomasz G. has been accused, among others , to grant financial benefits to persons exercising public functions at the Ministry of Infrastructure and the National Fire Service

W., referring in particular to the personal commitment of former Senator Józef P ., Tomasz G., paid Jaroslaw W. a total sum of at least five thousand zlotys, to transfer them to indeterminate persons, but not to persons exercising public functions (…), because the suspect Jaroslaw W. accepted them, but he did not forward them to these people "

Józef Pinior and Jaroslaw Wardęga were arrested with other people at the end of the year 2016. L & # 39, former senator heard allegations of corruption and paid for protection In December 2016, the al de Poznań successfully rejected the application of the prosecutor's office for his arrest. Pinior states from the outset that he will prove his innocence in court.

Last year, Pinior heard the fraud allegation. The case concerns the suspicion of extorting five thousand zlotys for a fictional conference. The prosecutor's office in Poznań is also investigating the question of whether there was falsification of voters' signatures on the lists of support to Józef Pinior as a candidate for the post of senator of the Republic of Poland. The survey concerns the elections of 2011 and 2015

Józef Pinior is one of the historic leaders of the solidarity movement of Lower Silesia in the 1980s. After 1989 he was associated with various groups on the left. In the years 1998-99, he was the deputy head of the union. In 2004, on behalf of Poland's Social Democracy, he joined the European Parliament

In 2011, as a non-partisan candidate, he became a senator on the Civic Platform (PO) list. In the European Parliament and the Senate, he was involved, inter alia, in the explanation of the case of the CIA prisons in Poland. In 2015, he lost in the Senate elections.

Author: JZ // plw
Source: PAP

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