Family on vacation. The costs of treatment abroad – how to avoid problems?


Before the holidays, check the policy and think about a possible reinsurance of the house or apartment. In case of accidental event, such as a car accident or a flood in the apartment of a neighbor, the insurer has indemnified us or compensated by third parties, the sum of our insurance has probably decreased, and before a longer trip, it is better to consider additional insurance. But first and foremost, let's check what insurance we can afford ourselves and our family members, so as not to incur unexpected treatment costs overseas.

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Bring the card abroad

It is not mandatory to have a European health insurance card free, but it is worthwhile to Obtain this document each time you visit the EU and EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland). If you have to use health care with the EHIC card, we should be treated as insured in this country.

However, we are only allowed to use health services that are necessary for medical reasons because of the expected length of stay. First and foremost, these are medical procedures that prevent a forced return earlier. What is very important is that the CEAM authorizes only the care of medical institutions under the common health care system and that, therefore, we will have to pay for private treatment.

Pregnant women under the CEAM have access to necessary services related to delivery and the postpartum period.

Please also read: ZUS. Who is entitled to a maternity or care allowance?

If, despite the presentation of the CEAM card, we will pay for the health services provided, for which we should not pay, in accordance with the law, we are entitled to apply to the NFZ for reimbursement of these medical expenses .

EKUZ not quite free

Although from EKUZ we can use health care in the public insurance system of a given country, unfortunately this does not mean that we will not pay anything. In the UK or Hungary, for example, dental care pays off. In Austria, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, you have to pay hospitalization costs and pay additional fees. In France, the patient must first cover the full costs of the services provided to him, and it is only at this time that he can claim reimbursement from his share in the cashier's office. 39, local French health insurance. It should also be known that in many foreign tourist resorts, doctors only accept private services and thus do not honor EHIC.

In many foreign resorts, doctors only take private care, so they do not honor the CEAM – so you have to pay the full cost of treatment abroad 123 RF

Detailed information on the recognition of EHIC in different countries can be found at:

How to obtain a European card?

The submission of a map application is possible in each branch of the provincial NHF or delegation. The impressions of the applications are available at NFZ branches and on their websites. They can be submitted: personally (an EHIC card is delivered "on the spot"), by an authorized person, by traditional mail or by e-mail (if the request is scanned and signed). It is possible to return the EKUZ card to the address indicated in the request. Each child must have his own separate EHIC card.

A small child must have a separate card EKUZ 123 RF

CEAM is valid for five years for persons receiving pension benefits. For six months, the card will be given to the insured who are employed, receive a pension, run a non-agricultural and agricultural business, students subject to health insurance by the university. On the other hand, the unemployed, registered at the labor office, are issued for two months.

If we lose EHIC

If we lose EHIC, we must contact our NFZ branch, which will issue a certificate confirming the insurance, which will be transferred to the establishment foreign. The necessary medical help is also provided to patients who have not provided the certificate, but they will likely be required to cover the full cost of treatment before leaving the facility.

NOTE! To claim the refund, you must keep all the invoices issued for the person to whom you were providing health services. We must also remember that the patient fully bears the costs of medical transport to Poland.

Supplementary Insurance

Due to the limitations of the CEAM, it is worthwhile to buy the insurer from the selected insurer. classical medical insurance (KL). Depending on the amount of the contribution, it generally provides for: emergency medical assistance, medical consultation by telephone with a Polish-speaking doctor, on-site consultations and medical examinations, hospitalization, medical transport.

Accident insurance added to KL guarantees the payment of an accident, and OC will be useful if we hurt someone. The insurance also sometimes includes limited elements of legal protection – for example, providing assistance to a lawyer when we encounter a conflict with local law. The support package should be automatically included in the KL policy. It includes, among other things, help in case of theft or organization of a return to the country earlier if there have been any cases of serious accident in your place of residence .

Group Travel

According to the law on tourist services, the organizer is obliged to provide us with insurance. Let's check, however, what is its scope and whether an additional contract should not be concluded with the selected insurer alone. These types of policies usually have a limited scope of protection – they do not have to cover, for example, travel equipment insurance or liability insurance, and the sum insured for the processing fee may also to be insufficient. Therefore, let us familiarize ourselves with the general terms and conditions of insurance (GTC) offered to us by the tour operator.

Remember that we can also insure against the possible resignation of the trip (we will not lose the total amount paid), we can also insure expensive tourist facilities, or even take out insurance related to the cancellation of the ticket. 39; air.

When we go to the mountains

By choosing in advance in the countries of the European Union, we protect ourselves with a special insurance covering the costs of a possible rescue operation . In Austria, France, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, mountain rescue is fully paid. When the amount of the bill for the action seems overvalued, contact the European Consumer Center of your country. The list of addresses is available on

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For Students

Students must obtain the ISIC (International Student Identity Card) card. This is a document confirming the status of the student around the world. Thanks to this, they will have access to many discounts in Poland and abroad. It can also act of a card containing an insurance.

Does school insurance work during holidays?

Most schoolchildren are covered by school insurance, that is, accident insurance, which can also work during the holidays. So check before you go, how much insurance and what range of school offers NNW. If the school insurance does not cover civil liability, parents will have to pay for the damage caused by the children. Before leaving, make sure the school insurance covers accidents that may occur outside of Poland.

See also: Compensation for student or student

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