Graduates of West Pomeranian Secondary School are among the lowest in the country – Region


The Central Review Board presented the results of this year's final examinations. The best results were obtained by the Małopolska testers, where a positive result was obtained at 83%. the people, and the lowest of the provinces: Western Pomerania, Pomerania, Warmian-Masuria and Lower Silesia, where the examination passed 77%. all high school graduates

The best subjects are modern Polish and foreign languages. The results were presented at the press conference by the director of the Central Examination Committee, Marcin Smolik, Tuesday

– At present, the high school diploma has passed 79, 7 percent. the candidates. Another 14.8 percent. he still has the chance to pass the baccalaureate, he can pass the final exam in August because he has not managed a single subject. 5.5% on the other hand he will find out today that he failed the exam. They will be able to improve the Matura exam next year – Smolik said.

The Polish language exam was the best in Western Pomerania. It was similar to that in the country, 97 percent. students. Mathematics 80% and English 95 – slightly less than average in Poland

Students at Szczecin High School were rather satisfied with their results. – It could have been better. It's a bit of my fault if I did not prepare myself as conscientiously as I should. In general, it seems to me that it is pretty good at the national level. Personally, I feel dissatisfied – says high school graduates. – I did not expect such results, but I am satisfied. The best went with the languages ​​and the basic mathematics.

Each high school graduate was required to sit exams in Polish, math and a modern foreign language chosen at a basic level, and to join a minimum of one additional subject

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