The leaders of Germany and Hungary negotiate their beards on migration


Merkel described the position of Hungary as being "a problem" at the 27-minute press conference which has seen leaders repeatedly refute each other's comments. One of the most virulent critics of Merkel's migration policy since 2015 , while thousands of people flocked to Europe every day.

While expressing his willingness to speak, Orban said his position had not changed in the last three years. only one solution: close the borders, "he said, adding And if Europe offers support to refugees, it will be considered an invitation.

"If people can come, they will come". He noted that Hungary had deployed 8,000 police and soldiers to prevent migrants from entering the block through its southern border.

"We think it's unfair that Germany often accuses us of a lack of solidarity," Orban said. if the number of migr entries in Europe this year are down sharply compared to recent years, the issue of migration has undermined Merkel's governing coalition and divided the EU's 28 nations in general. Last month, Italy and Malta refused to welcome migrants rescued at sea by aid groups, and Merkel had to agree with his conservative allies to dismiss asylum seekers. registered in another country.

Orban specified that he believes that asylum seekers who have registered in Hungary must first go through Greece or Bulgaria, and that his country will therefore not feel obliged to take them if they are sent back by Germany.

returned to the place where they entered for the first time in the EU and asked for asylum, but these regulations were not applied.

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer urged Merkel to take a stronger stand against migrants. The centers plan to send people directly to the place where they entered the EU – mainly Greece and Italy.

Speaking after talks with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz in Vienna, Mr Seehofer said he was expecting "very difficult talks" with Italy and Greece on the issue

The Interior Ministers of Austria, Germany and Italy will talk about the issue in the city of Innsbruck next week, said the Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini. if Italy were to reach an agreement, the existing agreements for migrants to be distributed equitably throughout the EU must be respected.

"Before taking back an asylum seeker in Italy, we will wait for other countries to take the tens of He added that before asylum seekers are sent back to Italy," we want clear commitments on men, means and money to protect foreigners, "Salvini told reporters in Rome

.UK borders


David Rising in Berlin, Frances D & # 39; Emilio in Rome and Pablo Gorondi in Budapest contributed to this report

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