The viewer is not easily satisfied today. I want the best series. And he will screw up his notes, even if it will not be fair. But who said that it was supposed to be?
Although the fans of the series do not agree with me, I maintain for several years that there is too much production in the episodes (in Poland maybe more). Too many fine and indefinite titles that are deleted after one season. And those they only do for the TV program's fillers and the VOD library services. And they surpass themselves by adding more and more new productions.
You may have the impression that Netflix is actually competing with itself because as far as the wealth of the service offering is concerned, it surpasses all other platforms. Netflix will add approximately 1,000 products to its resources by the end of the year, which will be marked as Netflix Original (either made to order from the giant VOD or purchased by it exclusively on a given market). Initially speaking about 600, then about 700. Real madness.
Every month, viewers drown under the weight of the marketing machine. The series are advertised wherever possible – on the web, in the public space, on television. Unfortunately, some of these campaigns are the opposite of the desired effect. I mean, of course, people will watch the first episode, second or third, but soon this magic of advertising will evaporate, and the fate of the product and the dissatisfaction of the viewers who feel cheated come on your mind. Recall what happened on the occasion of Altered Carbon, which has garnered controversial opinions, and for the moment, it was probably the most anticipated and widely promoted production of Netflix this year. Then there was The Rain, who disappointed a lot of novelties and science fiction fans.
Since the appearance of so many series, and we are talking about hundreds, if not thousands of titles over the years, people have become more picky
They want entertainment at the highest level, the best because they have what to choose. They do not want to waste time on cool productions. They pay for streaming and want that money to be spent on good content. Because their time also has some value. Plus, they pay for the chosen VOD service because it means that they work and free days, afternoons are limited. And you know what? I am not surprised at all. I often have a bad time for a boring show, so if after two episodes I do not have enough chemistry, I give it up. These are not professions, you must watch everything and know everything
This delicacy also affects the way we perceive the work – movies or series. [19659007J'garlic'impressionqu'aucoursdeplusieursannéespeut-êtremêmedixcelaacomplètementchangénotrefaçond'évaluerdifférentesproductionsPlusprécisément:lavaleurd'unnombredonnéachangépournousIlyaquelquetempsdanslegroupeéditorialnousavonsparlédediversesbonnessériesQuelqu'unamentionnéMindhunteretadit: as 7/10, I m & # 39; expecting something better . Do you think – 7/10 and something better ? This is a high grade. In theory. After which I realized that when I search for a movie or series to watch and check its rating on Filmwebie or IMDb, I rarely decide on such a title, which has a score lower than 7.
7 / 10 such a minimum
Well, unless I want to watch a particular movie. Even the evaluation oscillating around 3 points will not discourage me. At most, I will start to regret it, as was the case recently with the production of Satan, he ordered to dance ( not-watch-this-film ). We want to watch TV shows (it is as important in that it takes us longer), which we would give a clear rating of 8 and over, and on the other hand we are reluctant to admit dozens. Because it can always be a little better, because it is really the ideal? And after many years – which is also fun – we are surprised to see how we have evaluated different movies and series, and we are completely unable to understand our own choices.
These are our expectations for several reasons. This is not just time and money.
I also dare to say that these have less value. Especially the conscious viewer, who is willing to pay for access to movies, series, documents. And luckily, it's getting better in Poland – let me even believe the groups on Facebook that are full of fans of series and individual service users. And it's about raising awareness among fans of pop culture and entertainment, I mean. Those who choose the content themselves, not those who consume them in TV mode, although there are still many such viewers, especially in the older generation.
Modern series, their development has made the public difficult to deceive.
They want entertainment that will not only leave them ruin but that will force them to think, catch Easter eggs create hypotheses, predict the plot. That's why we're talking about Game of Thrones, Westworld, True Detective, Stranger Things, Lostach, Sherlock, Black Mirror, Twin Peaks or Kruk from home. Another good and very good production raises the bar and the news becomes more and more difficult. They are also evaluated in the context of what the previous ones have given us.
Of course, these ratings, the average opinions do not always satisfy us. It is interesting how the ratings of the same titles on Filmweb and IMDb differ – the Polish audience seems to be much more severe when it comes to foreign productions. But even if these stars that are the result of social evaluation, are difficult to talk about objectivity, they give us more or less an idea of what to expect. And everyone already knows their preferences, that's why horror or sci-fi fans will look favorably for productions that do not necessarily have very good ratings, because they are just fans of a given kind.
But even these fans, and perhaps especially them, do not like to be washed with advertising and are less and less fooled. In addition, not only do they feel wronged when the ball is quickly punctured, but they no longer trust those who pump it. I am becoming more cautious about any news about Netfliks news, remembering that the last months of the platform, especially the last six months, have been an average success. In fact, comparing them to the previous year, they simply fail.
The viewer is intelligent. And he stopped being a loser.
The immensity of production makes us spoiled. We have grievances and requests. We are disappointing expectations. Well. Because thanks to that, we develop our tastes. And that this is done at the expense of dissatisfaction with the streaming sites and their products. At the end, the creators must try
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