Restrictive standards can block the development of 5G technology in Poland


Poland has electromagnetic radiation standards 100 times more restrictive than in other countries of the European Union. It can prevent the construction of the 5G network and the development of wireless Internet – according to a report presented by the Department of Digitization.

Russia continues to block the development of 5G in Poland. Government asks for help in Brussels

Russia continues to block our access to the 5G network. This despite the fact that the country has promised to release the international forum …

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The Ministry wants to change the laws that come in 1984. – Legislative changes are already underway – said Digital Affairs Minister Marek Zagórski.

– Preliminary consultations to prepare the project are underway right now – with the environments, with the industry. It is our ambition that this project be ready for public consultation this fall. There is a chance that in November we will present a ready project that will contain concrete solutions in this regard – adds Minister Zagórski.

Mirosław Godlewski of Boston Consulting Group, who has prepared a report on power density limits in Poland, says that "without rapid changes to the law, smartphone users will have more and more data transfer problems ".

– Probably in two years each of us will have the impression that his phone is slowing down, that we can not load movies, browse websites; the demand for the number of transmissions is growing rapidly, double-digit, and the infrastructure that can handle this simply can not be developed – adds Mirosław Godlewski.

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Italian Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Luigi Di Maio, announced that the new government was planning to provide half an hour of free Internet per day to all …

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Until 2025, 5G technology is already operational in Poland, which considerably speeds up data transmission.

Minister Marek Zagórski recalls that the 5G network offers great opportunities for the whole country.

– The 5G is not a whim, it's a matter of industrial development, communication between machines, development of new solutions – not only for entertainment, but also for entertainment and the user comfort – he explained.

The piloting work for the creation of the 5G network will begin this year at the Polytechnic Campus of the University of Technology.

According to the agenda of the Ministry of Digitization, the country's first city is to have 5G technology in 2022


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