Doda and Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan at the reception with the ambassador of the United States. What did they do there?


  Doda and Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan at the Embassy of the United States


On the Occasion of Independence Day United States, a Grand Ball was held at the residence of the American Ambassador in Warsaw. Guests included personalities such as Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan and Doda. Both stars boasted of participating in the Instagram event. In fact, are people in the right place?

On July 4, the United States celebrated one of the most important days of the year – Independence Day . On this occasion, also at the Embassy of the United States in Poland, a special reception was held, during which the ambassador invited politicians, journalists and … celebrities . Among the guests included Doda with her husband and Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan with her family. What is their relationship with the United States? This is not known – however, we know how the ladies played at the party.

Doda is having very difficult moments recently. The singer recently lost her beloved grandmother and for a long time this loss will affect her well-being. However, since he does not refuse the ambassador, Doda appears in a black dress at the ball. The star has only shown on the net his black creation and photo with the ambassador. It is difficult to look for a broad smile on his face. We want you to come back as soon as possible.

A completely different event at the US Embassy survived Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan . The Maidan seized the opportunity to stylize himself as the Polish Beckham (which commentators have accused in the comments). Many people have also noticed that Małgosia tries to imitate … Meghan Markle ! The celebrity put the head of a toque and waved with a royal gesture in front of the cake. In the comments on Instagram there is no lack of opinion that this time Małgosia slightly exaggerated …

>> Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan extended her legs to Insta ?

Besides Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan recorded several videos on Insta Story and admitted that she was playing "wonderfully".

Who else The US Embassy should invite?

  Doda and Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan at the American Embassy


  Doda at the residence of the American Ambassador


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