Deadly deduction on the tracks. In Brzeźno, a man died in Jędrzejów County


The drama took place at 7:20 am at Brzeźno. The road between Sobkow and Miąsowa was hastened by an interstitial intercession from Kołobrzeg to Przemyśl. It carried about 600 people, including settlers. The composition hit a man who – according to preliminary reports – went on the track, the mechanic had no chance of slowing down the line-up.

– The 54-year-old companion was sober. The victim is talking about a 25 year old man. We do not rule out the possibility of a suicide attempt. We determine the exact circumstances of what happened – said Staff Sergeant Katarzyna Pierzchała from the Poviat Police Headquarters in Jędrzejów.

The tragedy occurred on the river, in a place where the tracks skirt a steep embankment. Due to these difficult conditions, it was decided that train passengers would not be evacuated.

– It is not possible to drive people off the train safely and to arrange alternative transportation. Water was provided to the passengers, there is a team of paramedics in case anyone needed help – the inspector Artur Zagórski, spokesman for the district Regional General Rail Safety Guard in Kielce. At 10:50, the services finished their work and the train continued on its way.

In Jędrzejów County, it is the second death on the tracks in four days. On Tuesday, at a Skroniów level crossing, Renault, driven by a 53-year-old man, drove directly in front of the freight train. The man did not survive the accident.


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