Neumann (PO): We request information on negotiations with Israel regarding the law on the Institute of National Remembrance –


Neumann pointed out at a press conference at the Sejm that for several days the media has learned that the "sudden" amendment to the IPN law had been caused by "discussions or pressure from Israeli politicians, but also special services of the Israeli Mossad. "

As the deputy pointed out, new information is also being forthcoming, which from the Polish side has participated in the negotiations; He added that the work on the amendment of the Law on the National Memory Institute "not only causes great astonishment, but also raises serious questions about who the law editor is for Mateusz Morawiecki." [19659002] "Today, I ask Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki information on the question of whether it is true that PiS deputies Tomasz Poręba and Ryszard Legutko participated in secret meetings at the headquarters of the Israeli secret service. on the law on the Institute of National Memory Is it true that they brought a document? He added that PO wanted to ask on what basis these two people participated in these meetings and talks, what power of attorney they had to conduct talks on behalf of the Polish government. completely the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of Poland and other diplomatic missions.

I want to know what was the reason why the government passed this law in a strange way at night, when ministers did not have the opportunity to read the content exactly and had not certainly not the ministers to familiarize themselves with this law and who was the author. He pointed out that since February 20 "the" bill "was prepared by the Chairman of the draft law Sejm prepared by the PO," what problem of these provisions harmful to Poland in the law on IPN? solved "." In May, she went to the commission, there were no jobs "- noted the head of the club PO." It is true that Moravian legislation is being drafted by foreign special services, we have a huge problem with regard to the legislative process and the rule of law, "he added, also in this dimension of law-making in Poland" – said Neumann. He pointed out that the letter concerning explanations regarding the IPN law on Friday will be submitted to the Prime Minister. "We hope that in the near future (the Prime Minister) he will answer us." He did not seize the opportunity when the Sejm was seated, when all these possibilities could be dispelled, and that they only grow. "On the statements of Israeli politicians who clearly define these negotiations, which led two deputies (the euro): Legutko and Poręba as negotiations, from which they returned with tail and other things that they received for execution. are unprecedented things in a state that has its dignity and pride, and it must decide for itself, "said Neumann

On June 27, Morawiecki in Warsaw and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv signed a joint Polish-Israeli declaration. He emphasizes that the relations between Poland and Israel and between their societies are "based on deep trust and understanding" and cooperation "on the international scene as well as on issues related to the preservation of memory and the preservation of memory. teaching of the Holocaust. "

they declared, among other things the lack of consent to attribute to Poland or to all the Polish people the culpability of the atrocities of the Nazis and their collaborators, they stressed the freedom of scientific research and condemned all forms of Anti-Semitism and "anti-polonism and other negative national stereotypes". Morawiecki and Netanyahu also called for a return to "peaceful dialogue based on mutual respect in public discourse".

The Declaration was adopted the day the Sejm passed the Senate without amendment. The amendment repeals articles: 55a, which threatens fines and imprisonment for the attribution of responsibility to the nation and the Polish state, inter alia for the crimes of the Third German Reich and the art. 55b, which states that criminal provisions must apply to a Polish citizen and a foreigner – "regardless of the rules in force at the place where the act was committed".

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