This is another element of the elimination of the lack of rules in public life


This is a very good decision. Another element of the elimination of the absence of rules in public life

– said the deputy of law and justice Waldemar Buda on TVP Info.

READ MORE: Chair of Law and Justice: Politics do not go for money. People belonging to public companies will not be candidates for any level of autonomy [19659003] The politician was questioned about the decision of Jaroslaw Kaczyński that employees of Treasury companies will not be able to participate in local elections.

The substitute of law and justice argued that work in SP companies is exceptionally involved. By combining this with the work of an advisor, it would be difficult to properly perform the tasks.

The performance of this type of function could be a fiction

– he said.

We have had many years of conflict of interest. I remember that, from the OP, most of the candidates on the lists were chiefs or sub-chiefs of companies. In order to make a very big campaign, because they were very rich people. We finish with this

– he added.

According to Kukiz Piotr Apel, 15, system solutions are needed

It would be worthwhile to be solved systemically, not just by statement. What's needed, it's a set of laws and a law on jurisdiction that states clearly who can sit in the Treasury corporations

– he said.

Politicians also discussed the case of Lech Wałęsa's letter to the Rolling Stones.

I am not an expert, but it seems to me that something bad is going on with the president

– Buda said

There is no legal dispute in the l […] Supreme Court case

– he added.

Piotr Apel decided that Lech Wałęsa's time should end in politics.

I am more and more often convinced that Lech Wałęsa should be put on the shelf "of history"

– he said.

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