Carrefour presents the "Ukrainian plateau". He wants to attract customers from the east to the stores


The Carrefour supermarket chain wants to encourage the purchase of Ukrainians living and working in Poland, introducing their domestic products. The "Ukrainian Plateau" will be introduced as part of the so-called World Cuisine About 40 products are available at the moment.

Consumer testing of tablets with Ukrainian products began last year. As the portal portal has learned, the "Ukrainian plateau" is already available in 31 hypermarkets and some supermarket chains, and in the near future it will appear in the following shops

. In the coming months, Carrefour will expand the range available – promises the press office of the network.

"Ukrainian platter" is introduced as part of the so-called World Cuisine, or areas with shelves for Chinese, Italian or Mexican cuisine.

.Read also: Emigration to Poland. Ukrainians are delighted

For the moment, about 40 products from Ukraine have been put on the shelf. These are mostly sweets, salty snacks or coffee from Lviv, writes the press service of the Carrefour network, bought not only by Ukrainians, but also by Poles eager to try products that they do not Have never seen.

The introduction of national products of the eastern border into the market is closely linked to the ever increasing number of Ukrainians who live and work in Poland. Also in the retail trade

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– The challenges of recruiting and retaining employees in an industry as demanding as the retail business open up new opportunities for both the business and local communities.

The network employs more than 16 thousand people in Poland employed. Its representatives do not reveal how many of them come from Ukraine.

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