Dominik Tarczyński wanted to investigate the death of Ignacy Popowski. It turned out to be Iggy Pop


The PiS politician sometimes thinks faster than thinking. Because he was deceived by the mind of one of the online trolls. He wanted to investigate the death of a 16-year-old "shot" of the Homeland Security Corps in 1948. This boy turned out to be the "godfather" of punk rock.

To explain all the confusion, we must go back to March 1st. Then there is the National Day of Remembrance of the Doomed Soldiers. On this day, PiS deputy Zbigniew Gryglas posted on Twitter an entry on "the soldiers who were cursed."

"They dreamed of Sovereign and Independent Poland, we would fight: me and you could live in the Free Commonwealth." – Mr. Gryglas thundered. </ P> <p> Under his entrance, someone posted a comment with a photo in black and white A description was also attached

Tarczyński wanted to investigate the case of a young man of 16. And it was Iggy Pop

"Ignacy Popowski aka" Młody ", shot by KBW in Kraśnik in 1948. Brother of my great-grandfather … He was 16 years old "- we read the picture.

Then Dominik came into action Tarczyński. With a considerable delay, because the July 9, he added a comment: "Let's examine it!" The law and justice assistant triggered the action, but the case was quickly "investigated" by D & # 39; 39; other Twitter users.

Iggy Pop from Wikipedia. "I enjoy a good trolling"

It's a re the black and white displayed here n & # 39; other than the young Iggy PopPop. The photo was probably taken from Wikipedia, because you can still see it there.

"I enjoy a good trolling" – commented one of the users. It also turned out that someone wanted to make fun of Dominik Tarczyński. Under one of the entries concerning the deputy PiS's grandfather, there is also a photo of Popowski

See also: She approached the politician at the restaurant and told him to resign. He did it a few days later **

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