US Navy dedicates Japan-based destroyer to US Senator McCain


Not one, not just two, but three generations of McCain are now honored on a US Navy vessel in the Pacific.

The Secretary of the Navy added the name of US Senator John McCain on Thursday to a warship that had previously been named for the father and grandfather of Arizona's legislature, the two former admirals of Marine.

The dedication ceremony took place aboard the USS John S. McCain. Scaffolding covered the mast of the guided missile destroyer, which undergoes major repairs after a fatal collision, one of the last two years that has led to charges against senior officers of the ships and a very critical review of the procedures and procedures. Navy policies. , the secretary of the Navy, told reporters that the recommended changes in operations were implemented at 78%. Some have been completed, he said, while others, such as the introduction of a culture of lifelong learning, will take two years.

"I think we're well advanced," Spencer said at the Yokosuka naval base south of Tokyo. the sailors died after the USS Fitzgerald, and then the McCain collided with commercial vessels in the Pacific Ocean in June and August 2017.

The three generations of McCains share the same name, John Sidney McCain, Jack and John, from oldest to youngest. Their naval careers overlapped in the Second World War and Vietnam.

"It's a three-part name, and a name that has three floors," said Spencer

Sidney joined the Navy in the early 20th century. commander of the aircraft carrier's task force during the Second World War. His son Jack was a Second World War submarine commander who took command of US Pacific Command during the Vietnam War.

John was a naval aviator captured in Vietnam where he was detained for five years and tortured.

"Senator McCain has proven that even the most difficult challenges can become sources of great strength," said Micah Murphy, commander of the USS McCain, at the ceremony, alluding to the challenges facing they are faced.

The guided missile destroyer, which had a gaping hole in its side after the collision, was launched in 1994.

"Sidney, Jack and John, Three Distinguished Officers, McCain, Fighting Brain Cancer , says that he looks back with gratitude for his years of training in the Navy. "

" I hope that the generations of sailors who will serve aboard the USS McCain will find the same accomplishment my family "By serving a cause greater than oneself", the 81-year-old MP said in a press release from his office.

Spencer said the Navy hopes to hand the warship to service in the spring next

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