Cosmic Chylińska shows tattoos on his head … (PHOTOS)


Another metamorphosis of Agnieszka Chylińska was to remain secret as long as possible because the media did not stay long in the media I have talent . In the end, some photographs showed Agustin Egurrola thanks to which it appeared that the singer had not only a mohogèze, but always painted it with an absurd color.

Recall: Chylinska a … SELVERSON (?) IROKEZA! Nice?

The cosmic hair of Agnieszka is not the end. At casting in I have talent in Warsaw on the head of Chylińska there is a new ornament, namely … tattoo on the ear . She has not had it until recently, which allows us to believe that it is only a temporary ornament, not a permanent drawing …

See how Chylinska promotes I have talent . What will happen next?

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