How has the Emirati Space Agency done more in four years than most agencies do for life?


  How has the UAE Space Agency done more in four years than most agencies for life

Photo Credit: YouTube / UAE Space Agency

Today marks the fourth anniversary of the United Arab Emirates space agency on the world stage a competitive player in space and technology

Although she is relatively new on the international scene, the nascent space agency has shown that she was willing to demonstrate 39 boldness and take risks that large entities could not. ] The UAE space segment has made significant progress since our founding four years ago. Here are some highlights from our trip up to now #UAESAnniversary

– وكالةالإمارات للفضاء (@uaespaceagency) July 12, 2018

Earlier this year, the UAE announced $ 500,000 in grants with a preference for "high risk, high reward innovative projects". (It's time to dust off these Death Star plans if you have them – and we know that someone does.)

Interestingly, they also seem to be the only nation to do steady and measurable progress toward establishing a human colony on Mars. The "City of Wisdom" – a gigantic multi-million dollar research simulation – is currently under construction in the UAE desert.

But the reasons for the colonization of Mars come a little closer to home: if we can develop a sustainable society On an inhospitable planet, these inventions will transform the quality of life on Earth.

According to Dr. Ahmad Bin Abdullah Humaid Belhoul Al Falasi, President of the UAE Space Agency:

  Opening Quote

"Sustainability is critical For example, 100% of the Water is recycled in Masdar … Mars Scientific City of the United Arab Emirates […] will solve the problems of water, energy and food and contribute to the development of human capabilities. "

  Take a look at the 360 ​​° VR simulation of the City of Wisdom March 2117 below: </p>
<p>  <iframe width=

After making so much progress in a short time, The UAE Space Agency looks set to continue 2019 will witness a historic first when the first UAE astronaut will board the International Space Station for ten days as part of the Soyuz MS-12 mission – and that they are in the days following the announcement of the official selections.In 2020, the agen this plans to launch Hope Probe. It is expected that it will land on the Red Planet in 2021 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the UAE union

. Their look towards the future also extends to the next generation. Six UAE teachers will train with NASA scientists at the Academy of Honeywell Educators. Teachers will complete 45 hours of training in an intense week, bringing their experience and inspiration to the students they teach.

Buthaina Abandah, one of the teachers, stressed the importance of the program:

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We have the responsibility here to make space l & # 39; Purpose of the future generation of Emiratis. It's a good start and doing these kinds of space camps really helps teachers and students.

  Closing quote

As for the Martian colony in 2117? Since the UAE Space Agency is less concerned about the smaller stages and more interested in jumping giant for humanity, we would not be surprised if they exceed their own time. If they've taught us anything in the past four years, it's that the future is now.

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