Trump releases Kim Jong Un's letter, praising "great progress" despite difficult signs


The letter is dated July 6 and was handed over to the delegation of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to deliver to Trump while the group was in Pyongyang last week to continue talks on the denuclearization of the peninsula Korean.

"A very nice note from President Kim of North Korea, great progress," said Trump in a tweet that also included a copy of Kim's correspondence.

Anxious to prove that talks with North Korea are working, Trump continues to say that his personal chemistry with Kim remains the key to diplomatic success, as skepticism grows over Pyongyang's desire to denuclearize. A Security Council diplomat told CNN on Thursday that the United States had submitted a report to the United Nations Security Council Sanctions Committee for North Korea, accusing North Korea of ​​avoiding sanctions. of the UN through illegal transfers of refined oil. Wed.

In a letter to the UN on Wednesday, the United States calls on the world organization to call on all members to "show heightened vigilance" against North Korean attempts to buy more oil.

Kim Praises "Your Excellency" Trump

While avoiding details about the status of diplomatic talks between the United States and North Korea, the letter of Kim praises Trump. Excellency. "

" I firmly believe that the strong will, the sincere efforts and the unique approach of myself and Your Excellency the President aimed at opening a new future between the DPRK and the United States will certainly come true, "writes Kim Kim said that the Singapore summit and the letter of the two leaders signed at this meeting" indeed the beginning of a meaningful journey. "

However, the letter does not mentions nothing about denuclearization and despite Trump's assertions to the contrary, Kim has yet to publicly declare what he will or will not do with regard to his nuclear weapons program. [19659002"Kimknowshisbrandflatterybutnotethathedoesnotusetheword"denuclearization"once"VipinNaranganassociateprofessorofpoliticalscienceatMITwhostudiesnuclearproliferationsaidtoCNNKimsaysclearly"Wewillnottalkabouthenuclearweaponsthataftertransformingtherelationship"

While the letter is full of good words about Trump, the North Korean authorities continue to use typical tactics to thwart the Pyongyang talks last week. Although the top American diplomat promised a meeting with the Korean leader, Kim did not meet Pompeo.

  North Korea rejects meeting with US soldiers
North Korean officials failed to attend a meeting scheduled for Thursday to discuss the return remnants of US service members killed during the Korean War, but it should now be held on Sunday, according to the State Department. Trump had held back as one of the successes of his June 12th summit in Singapore with Kim.

"I do not know how long the Trump Kabuki dance on the mission accomplished on the denuclearization front can hold up The events of the weekend and today, its strategy is now clearly" denuclearization by denial ", or worse," denuclearization by illusion, "said Narang.

" An Extraordinary Meeting "

Pompeo last week failed to Demonstrate progress on the denuclearization talks, bringing a source to the discussions to say that the White House felt it was "as bad as could have gone."

But a disappointing summit does not mean the end of diplomacy. Kim's letter to Trump appears to be part of an ongoing effort to appeal to the President directly, as North Korea did in a statement issued last week that criticized Pompeo for a "state of the art". "Gangster Spirit" during his visit. the headwind is beginning to blow, it will be a great disappointment not only to the international society aspiring to world peace and security, but also to the DPRK and the United States, "said the spokesman of the ministry. Foreign Affairs. "decades long" challenge "data-src-mini =" // -un-during-landmark-summit-in-singapore-small-169.jpg "data-src-xsmall =" // north-korean-leader-kim-jong-a-during-landmark-summit-in-singapore-medium-plus-169.jpg "data-src-small =" /assets/180612100824-us-president-trump-meets-north-korean-leader-kim-jong-un-during-landmark-summit-in-singapore-large-169.jpg "data-src-medium =" // 9.jpg "data-src-large =" // -summit-in-singapore-super-169.jpg "data-src-full16x9 =" // kim-jong-a-during-landmark-summit-in-singapore-full-169.jpg "data-src-mini1x1 =" // -meets-north-korean-leader-kim-jong-a-during-landmark-summit-in-singapore-small-11.jpg "data-demand-load =" not-loaded "data-eq-pts =" mini : 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, large: 781 "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAAP /////// wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "/>

"If so, this will eventually force each party to seek another choice, and there is no guarantee that this will not translate by another tragedy. We always cherish our good faith in President Trump, "the statement said.

Two days later, Trump returned the compliment.

"I trust that Kim Jong U will honor the contract we signed and, more importantly, our handshake," he tweeted. "We accepted the denuclearization of Korea. North, but China can exert a negative pressure on an agreement because of our position on Chinese trade – Hope no! "

Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General, said:" Hiccups "were inevitable.

"I think hiccups in a process like this, there will be a lot, inevitably," said the secretary general in remarks to reporters Thursday. "But I think there is very good possibilities for this dialogue to lead to a solution, a positive solution, aimed at a peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. "

While in Brussels, Belgium, the annual summit of the United NATO Trump and Pompeo have expressed confidence in the trial diplomatic note with North Korea.

Pompeo said that his counterpart Kim Yong Chol "committed" that North Korea had the intention "to denuclearize."

to NATO, the caller "an extraordinary meeting" and saying that the two "established very good relations".

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