60 people, four drones, boats, a pontoon. Firefighters take care of looking for a python


At the operational staff meeting on Friday, the commander in chief of the fire department decided to take over the python tiger

and state firefighters will look after the search for the python tiger. a dangerous reptile, "said Paweł Frątczak, spokesman for this training.
The snake is looking for 60 firefighters. The auditors of the Main School of Fire Service and the firefighters of Częstochowa and Poznań were included in the search.

Logistics City

On the basis of consultations with employees of the Warsaw Zoo during the operational staff meeting, it was established that the search area will be limited to the area surrounding Gassy. The zoo specialists will help you determine how the reptile should be looked for so you do not scare it or let anyone hurt it. They also specify where an animal can be expected.

On the research site, firefighters built a logistics town in which there was a specialized communications car. The PSP must use 4 special drones, from which the signal must be sent and analyzed directly in this car – said the spokesman of the PSP.

Four boats and pontoons participate in research

It began with a moult [19659003] You still do not know how the tiger python was found in Gassach. His research began when the mole was found on the bank of the Vistula, that is to say the outer part of the snake shell unloaded during moulting. Sunday afternoon, a person came to him randomly between the villages of Gassy and Cieciszew

The areas of the Vistula in the Piaseczno district were controlled Monday by firefighters, policemen, WOPR rescuers and employees of Animal Rescue Polska. Their activities were concentrated around river beds and very hot places. The search was secured by an ambulance. On Tuesday, traces were found which, according to the researchers, could have been left behind by the snake.

There is always a warning message about the police – both the side of Piaseczno and the capital. "Police officers patrol the area both from the mainland and with the participation of police from the river police station" – we read in the information. It was also requested that anyone with information about this should report it to the police (phone 22 604 52 13) or the Animal Rescue Polska Foundation (22 350 66 91).

Article 160

Police officers are investigating in the sense of Article 160 of the Penal Code, that is to say the exposure to the risk of loss of life or health.

They collect, among other things, data on people raising snakes in the piasat of Piaseczno. In addition, at the command of the commander, all people across the country have received a request for information on who can breed such animals, perhaps lost these animals, as well as any information on the release of this animal in nature.

We were looking for a dangerous snake since the beginning of the week:

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