The last: Trump, queen get acquainted with the tea


LONDON – President Donald Trump's latest trip to Europe (all local times):

5:45 pm

President Donald Trump and Queen Elizabeth II meet tea at Windsor Castle

Queen, Trump and the Monarch shared some interactions Friday reviewing troops at Windsor Royal Castle

The Queen, President and First Lady Melania Trump shook hands. "The Star-Spangled Banner" was then played and the Queen guided the president on a revision of the guard of honor in the courtyard of the castle.

Carrying a purse between her and Trump, the pair did not appear official ceremony

Heads of State gather around tea before Trump leaves England for a weekend in Scotland.


5:30 pm

President Donald Trump Attacks CNN, NBC News and the British During a press conference on Friday with British Prime Minister Theresa May, Trump attacked NBC's Kristen Welker for what he described as dishonest reporting following his question about relations with NATO.

Sun apparently did not print any positive things, he said about May during a previous interview. The sun said that it was not true.

And Trump refused to answer a question from Jim Acosta, chief correspondent of the White House for CNN, saying he was not answering the "fake article" questions. he answered a question from Acosta when the news conference broke out.


5 pm

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrived at Windsor Castle for a social visit with Queen Elizabeth II. The monarch welcomed the American president in the courtyard of the royal castle

A military band honored Trump with a royal salute before playing the American national anthem.

Trump and the Queen must inspect the assembled honorary guard before seeing a military "military parade". The Trumps and the Queen have to spend about 30 minutes getting acquainted with the tea inside the castle.


3:50 pm

British Prime Minister Theresa May gave President Donald Trump an illustrated ancestral map detailing his Scottish heritage dating from the birth of his great-great-great grandfather in 1776 when the United States declared its independence from Britain.

Trump's mother, Mary Anne Macleod, was born on the island of Lewis in the Hebrides. in Scotland. The map uses official records and ancient church records to trace Trump's ancestors. He is decorated with the coat of arms of the Macleod family and his tartan.

May and her husband gave Melania Trump a custom-made fragrance called The First Lady, presented in a bottle engraved with her initials. It comes from the esteemed J Floris Ltd, which according to May's office also made products used by Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is committed to "completing denuclearization" at a summit last month, and Trump said Friday that "there is a lot of good things".

He cited a halt to nuclear tests and North Korean missiles. He also said that "some sites had been destroyed."

But the President added, "It's a process – it's probably a longer process than anyone would like, but I'm used to long processes too." We have not removed the sanctions, the penalties are biting. "

Trump spoke at a press conference Friday with British Prime Minister Theresa May.

The United States and North Korea appear to have made little progress


Helsinki police reported having registered more than a dozen demonstrations in connection with the summit President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday in Helsinki.

Protests spread throughout the weekend and Monday, police said Friday. The largest, called "Helsinki Calling", is expected to attract thousands of people to the city Sunday afternoon.

The organizers say it would be a "peaceful, family and non-partisan" event that would not be directed against either a leader in order to manifest the importance of human rights and issues environmental issues among other themes.

A pro-Trump group called "Helsinki Loves Trump" with about 1,500 followers on Facebook said that he did not want to demonstrate but rather hold a rally. President Donald Trump says Theresa May is an "incredible woman" who "does a fantastic job" as British Prime Minister.

Trump commented as he sought to soften the blow after criticizing some aspects of his leadership in an interview published Thursday by a British tabloid.

Trump says that he knew May a lot better on several days of meetings and socializing this week. She says, "I think she's a wonderful woman."

Trump spoke at a press conference with May following meetings in his official area outside of London


Trump also reiterated that he thinks that Boris Johnson would be a great prime minister. Johnson has recently resigned from his post as British Foreign Minister to protest Britain's withdrawal from the EU.


President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May express differing views on the benefits of immigration

Trump said at a joint press conference that the Immigration has been "very bad" for Europe and that it is changing the culture of the continent.

May says that the UK has a "proud history" of welcoming her country, and immigration has been "good" for the UK

May indicates that people from different backgrounds have contributed to the society of his country, but it is important to have a "set of rules" in immigration matters. two executives were interviewed about Trump's interview with The Sun newspaper in which he claimed that Europe "was losing its culture" because of immigration.


2:25 pm

President Donald Trump says Do not expect a "Perry Mason" moment when he and Russian President Vladimir Putin meet early next week.

Trump says that he will raise the issue of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election with Putin. But he says that he does not think Putin will say "you've got me."

U.S. Intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia has been ingested in the elections to try to help Trump get elected. Putin denies interfering. Trump also reiterated Putin's denials.

Perry Mason was a lawyer who defended falsely accused persons in an American television series that bore the name of the character.

Trump adds that he will discuss other issues with Putin, mentioning Ukraine, Syria, other parts of the Middle East and nuclear proliferation

Leaders should have talks Monday in Helsinki


2:15 pm

President Donald Trump says it's not "Do not criticize British Prime Minister Theresa May during an interview this week with The Sun newspaper in which he questions the treatment of Brexit by May. " Trump says at a joint press conference with May: "I have a lot of respect for the Prime Minister"

The president says the newspaper did not include the "huge things" that he said about May in the interview.

Trump said May would make a decision on how to handle Brexit, but he wants to make sure he can trade and we have no restrictions "on trading with the UK. [19659056Thetwoleaderssaytheyhopesoontoconcludeabilateraltradeagreement


2:10 pm

President Donald Trump says the United States supports the British people's decision to "realize Full autonomy "while he is negotiating an exit from the European Union.

Negotiations toward an exit, Trump says:" We'll see how that goes ".

He calls this a "very complicated negotiation." A slight majority of Britons voted in 2016 to break with the EU

Trump criticized May's handling of the Brexit talks in an interview with a British tabloid published on Thursday.

Trump also thanked May for her "hospi very gracious. "The Prime Minister welcomed the US President to his official residences outside London.

Leaders hold a press conference after meetings Friday at Checkers, May


2:10 pm

British Prime Minister Theresa May disagrees with President Donald's warning Trump that his Brexit plans could scuttle a free trade agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom. the European Union

May says that his plan "provides the platform for Donald and me" to conclude an "ambitious" trade deal.

Trump and May hold a press conference after talks at the Prime Minister's residence, and after Trump gave an interview to The Sun newspaper who slammed it and congratulated his rival Boris Johnson.

May praised the strength of the US-British bond. But in a gentle rebuke, May said, "It is our responsibility to ensure that the transatlantic unit lasts."


2:15 pm

Current and former foreign ministers criticize comments made by US Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Friday that Trump's verbal attacks Germany jeopardized the security of the West

. "Europe can not accept that what has been built for many years is deliberately damaged for the sake of being provocative."

Trump had stated at a breakfast Wednesday with the Secretary General of NATO that a new gas pipeline to Russia was leaving Germany. "Captive" in Moscow

Maas tells Spiegel that "we are not prisoners, neither of Russia nor of the United States"

His predecessor, Sigmar Gabriel, told the magazine that "Trump is jeopardizing the World peace by consciously splitting the Western alliance and ignoring its values.


12:15 pm

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, told Sky News that it is up to President Donald Trump to explain why

The first Muslim mayor of London said Friday that many major cities, including Paris, Brussels and Berlin, have suffered terrorist attacks but that Trump has chosen to criticize him only. Is in Trump to explain why he is focusing solely on Khan.

The mayor also challenges Trump's claim that Europe "loses its culture" because of the Khan says immigration has brought "huge" social benefits, economic and cultural development in London and Great Britain.

Trump heavily criticized Khan in an interview published Thursday in the newspaper The Sun.


11:55 [19659100DonaldPresidentTrumpedbyarelationwiththeFirstBritishMinistryTheresaMayis"veryveryhard"evenafterareportedinterviewinwhichtheBrexitexchange

Trump says alongside May at Checkers, the prime minister's estate, that during their dinner "we've probably never developed a better relationship that last night. "

He says that they discuss commercial and military issues and calls their relationship" very, very strong. " We really have a very good relationship.

May notes that the United States is "our oldest and deepest security and defense partner" and credits Trump for pushing NATO partners to increase defense spending. in an interview with The Sun newspaper and said that May's former foreign minister, Boris Johnson, would make an "excellent" prime minister.



L & # 39; European Union and member of the Schengen Area The government has declared Friday's decision a security measure linked to the meeting between US President Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on July 16.

reinforced is valid four days from 09:00 GMT Friday until 09:00 GMT Tuesday with a focus on the airports of Helsinki and the western city of Turku.

The officials said that random checks would be performed s if necessary on the Finnish-Swedish border points and Finno-Norwegian

Trump and Putin met. Twice earlier on the margins of international meetings


President Donald Trump attended a joint military exercise with British Prime Minister Theresa May at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

The visit to the military academy on Friday morning was closed to the media. The military demonstration involving US and British officers came after Trump criticized May's plans for Brexit in an interview published by The Sun newspaper on Thursday night.

Trump and May later went to Checkers, the Prime Minister's retreat. Trump told reporters briefly that he and May worked together on NATO spending and spoke Thursday night.

The two leaders will hold one-on-one meetings, a working lunch and a joint press conference 40 miles (65 km) from London.



US First Lady, Melania Trump, visits the Royal Chelsea Hospital, a historic London retirement home for hundreds of former British soldiers

. Trump separated from her husband on Friday morning for the solo outing to the hospital, which dates back to the reign of King Charles II over 300 years ago.

The first lady was greeted by Philip May, the British prime minister.

She will meet local school children and mingle with resident veterans of the hospital, known as Chelsea retirees.

His trip to Europe with US President Donald Trump marks the return of the old model on the international scene. In 1965, the French Foreign Minister said that Europe would resist the efforts of US President Donald Trump to "destabilize" the EU and derail the international situation. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Friday on BFM television that Trump "can not tolerate that there is a set called the European Union." But, he added, "E"

The leading French diplomat spoke while Trump was making a tumultuous trip to Europe.

According to Le Drian, Trump only believes in conflictual relations and the Accused of trying to destroy multilateral efforts to encourage trade, fight against climate change and Iranian nuclear activities

Trump angered his European allies at a summit of the United States. NATO this week and then accused British Prime Minister Theresa May of being too soft with the EU on the Brexit negotiations

9 am

President Donald Trump continues his controversy during his trip to Europe

Trump is in London, where he will begin his day with a military demonstration before meeting British Prime Minister Theresa May at Checkers, May's country house.

Meetings should be unusually strained after Trump destroyed May's Brexit plans in a diplomatic demolition interview with The Sun newspaper which publishes

The President will also visit Windsor Castle where he and the first lady Melania Trump will take tea with the Queen Elizabeth II

Major anti-Trump demonstrations should follow Trump throughout the day.


President Donald Trump begins a new dose of chaos during his tour of Europe, during an interview published by British Prime Minister Theresa May

of Brexit in an interview with The Sun newspaper and blaming the mayor of London for terrorist attacks on the city. The president also claims that Europe "loses its culture" because of immigration.

Trump told the newspaper that he did not feel welcome in London because of protests, including plans to steal a giant balloon depicting him as an angry baby. Trump says May's former foreign minister, Boris Johnson, would make an "excellent" prime minister, speaking a few days after Johnson resigned from his stance to protest the May Brexit plans.

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