More than 400 items found in the UK Nerve Agent Poison Probe


LONDON – British police claim that research teams have found more than 400 objects as part of the investigation into the poisoning of two Britons by Novichok's neurotoxic agent – but the research will probably take several more weeks while police are looking for other evidence. Police said Friday that they had found a small bottle that would be the source of the nerve agent that killed Dawn Sturgess and nauseated Charlie Rowley. He was found at Rowley's house in the town of Amesbury, in the southwest.

The force said Saturday that a "significant number" of found objects are potentially contaminated and have been sent to laboratories for analysis. if the deadly nerve agent that poisoned the pair came from the same batch used in a march attack on the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter.

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