The judges are alarming: the members of the "KRS" are struck by independent tribunals. Pawłowicz an example


"We regret the deliberations of the body claiming to be the National Council of the Judiciary, composed of judges elected by two political groups," said the Iustitia Association after Saturday's meeting of the I & # 39; 39, Association of Judges. New members of the National Court accuse PiS in the fight against the independence of the courts

  President of the Małgorzata Gersdorf and president of the association

Małgorzata Gersdorf, President of the SN, and President of the "Iustitia" association Krystian Markiewicz (Agencja Gazeta, Fot: Dawid Żuchowicz


-We do not trust the procedure of appointment to the National Council of the Judiciary.Today, it It is easier to get to the Supreme Court than to a district court – said today Krystian Markiewicz, president of the Polish Judges Association Iustitia.The judges indicate that they have no doubt about the political involvement of the members of the new national registry. "The members of this body, including the judges, speak the language of the ruling party politicians, support them in the actions that strike independent judges ", s orlead the members of "Justice" in the communiqué after the meeting. "Iustitia" For example, the judges of the association recall the case of Judge Marta Kożuchowska-Warywody, whose MP Krystyna Pawłowicz asked "." The judge was accused of participation in light chains and presence in the European Parliament , to the European Commission and the EU Court of Justice by MEP Krystyna Pawłowicz, a member of the new National Council, recently updated. Judiciary, with the approval of the present there are judges, "say the members of" Iustitia ", who met Saturday at the meeting devoted to recent changes in law and justice in law

See also : Outbidding protest in Supreme Court Publishers comment on "


" Break out Prof. Małgorzata Gersdorf "

Members of the Association of Polish Judges" Iustitia "also write that now "The key to the judge's career is the repression of the first president of the SN Prof. Margaret Gersdorf, who is him until April 2020." "The same body was negatively assessed by several Supreme Court justices who enjoy of great respect and authority We do not believe in the reliability of the appointment procedure before this body, "say judges


who unequivocally assess that Judge of the Court s upreme announced by President Andrzej Duda are invalid. "This results not only from an unconstitutional proceeding, but also because the President's ruling against him under Article 144 (2) of the Constitution did not countersign the Prime Minister. minister, "says the press

. Polski


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