What is the weather like on Sunday, July 15th?


We have a precise time forecast of the ICM of the University of Warsaw for nearly 60,000 locations in Poland! Thanks to our weather service, the rain will never surprise you. Check the forecasts on www.pogoda onet .pl!

There will be showers and there will be a downpour, and in some places also storms, locally with hail

We will stay in fresh and humid polar air. The thermometers show 20 and 21 degrees in the eastern half of the country at 24 and 25 degrees in the western regions. The coolest will be in Podhale, 16 degrees and in the Lublin region, 17 degrees. The highest value of this day, 26 degrees, we will see on thermometers in Zielona Góra. The pressure will begin to drop slowly, and the wind coming from the northwest directions will be weak and moderate, with gusting periods, in strong mountains, in gusts up to 70 km / h. Biomet will be unfavorable, only in the western provinces.

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