A monument to the victims of the Smolensk disaster was unveiled in Krasnik


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  Unveiling of the monument to Lech Kaczyński.
Whistles and cheers during the speech of the Prime Minister

Photo: PAP / Wojtek Jargiło

Video: tvn24
Lech Kaczyński embodied the completely different idea of ​​Poland from that of the former leaders of the Third Republic of Poland – Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Sunday at the unveiling of the monument to President Lech Kaczyński and the victims of the Smolensk disaster in Krasnik. Morawiecki's performance was accompanied by shouts and the sound of sirens protesting near the monument to the peasants.

– Lech Kaczyński, with the Polish elite who went to Smolensk to celebrate the anniversary of the murder of our officers, our great patriots in Katyn, personified a certain idea of ​​Poland. A completely different idea of ​​Poland, the idea of ​​the Republic – from what the former leaders of the Third Polish Republic embodied – said Morawiecki at the ceremony

As he explains, for Lech Kaczyński, the most important were three values: justice, the state and Poland

– Justice is understood precisely by the prism of an ordinary man. The state and politics should serve the ordinary man – the head of government argued

He noticed, among other things, the activities of Lech Kaczyński at the KOR, or during the periods of Solidarity and martial law. a positivist version of the understanding of the law at the time of the dominant Polish Third Republic was presented. The rule of law and the law of the Polish state were to be guided mainly by justice – said the head of the government –

Morawiecki's speech was accompanied by screams and sirens as protesters were protesting around the monument

The prime minister called on demonstrators to silence the sirens. because "we would like to honor this unveiling ceremony worthy of this monument".


  At the unveiling of the monument, farmers protest "width =" 640 "height =" 360 "class =" lazy lazy with retreat
During the unveiling of the monument a demonstration of farmers took place

During his speech, Morawiecki he also referred to the demonstrators . He pointed out that Lech Kaczyński, as president of the NIK in 1993, published the first list in the history of the Third Republic of Poland, "67 predatory privatizations". – Until today, this list should be a list of shame for the leaders of the Third Republic of Poland – he estimated

– These predatory privatizations have led to the fact that agricultural processing companies are sold to foreign and foreign hands. He added that this foreign capital, which today controls, for example, the processing of fruits, "places us today in a completely different position."

– Lech Kaczyński is the idea of ​​a strong state, which could also work for farmers. But the sold-out companies of the Third Poles today make it very difficult for us – he said

– They hinder, but do not stop us, and of course we'll take care of it too – said Morawiecki. Ministers Jacek Sasin read a letter from PiS President Jaroslaw Kaczyński

"With the unveiling today of the monument of President Lech Kaczyński, not only do we honor him as a man, but we also honor his ideas and values ​​- life for the service of the fatherland "- writes Jarosław Kaczyński.

" Lech Kaczyński served his country with all his strength, but he did not want it to be fair anyway. "The Poles lived there as well as possible so that it is a free and independent state, strong and prosperous, and also important on the international scene "- he underlined

" I am extremely touched to be able to address you these words related to the unveiling of the monument of the President of the Republic from Poland, Professor Lech Kaczyński, this emotion is twofold because it comes from the following two sources: the moral order and the world of values, each commemoration of the holy memory of my brother and the victims of the Smolensk tragedy. justice and dignity "- wrote the president of PiS.

As he added, from a more humane point of view, "proof that those who died eight years ago near Smolensk are still present in Polish hearts, as they served their homeland well. and gave their lives for it. "

" He will always be an example for us "I also read a letter from President Andrzej Duda. It was read by the head of the chancellery of the President of Poland Halina Szymańska [1945904] [1945904]

" You gather around a monument that expresses our common memory and honor to the victims of the Smolensk disaster, one of the greatest tragedies of the recent history of our nation. Unfortunately, despite the passing of time, it is difficult to cope with the terrible loss suffered by Smolensk in Poland, I take part in prayer and bow my head in tribute to the victims of the disaster, their tragic death remains an unhealed wound . 19659020] It points out that now that the 100th anniversary of independence is celebrated, we realize the great role played by the legacy of Polish history to inspire the edification of. a successful future

"One of the great figures listed in the Polish pantheon. undoubtedly, the late President Lech Kaczyński C is for us an example of passionate and wise patriotism, a sacrificial service at the service of the Polish state rationale. His attitude combining the romanticism of big goals and the positivism of persistent work is an indication of how we should strengthen the foundations of our independence. It is a figure from which we can learn what is the honor, the social service, the obligation to actively oppose the evil and defend the weakest . All of us owe a lot to Lech Kaczyński's will "- wrote President Andrzej Duda.

" I am proud to have had the honor of working closely with him "

Monument in two parts

Our Lady of Sorrows in Kraśnik (Lublin province)

The late President of the Republic of Poland, Professor Lech Kaczyński and the victims of the Smolensk disaster – by the sculptor Kraśnik Andrzej Krawczak – consist of two parts: a cross and a plate, The second part is the sculpture of the figure of President Lech Kaczyński.

On April 10, 2010, the crash of the plane Tu-154M close of Smolensk killed 96 people, including President Lech Kaczyński and his wife, the highest commanders of the Polish army, the last president of Poland in exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski, a Polish delegation was about to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the massacre of Katyn

Author: KR // kg
Source: PAP

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