Aleksander Kwasniewski: the constitution will not defend itself against legal barbarians


Jacek Nizinkiewicz asked the former president when he had doubts about the functioning of the current constitution. – No. I am proud of her. We did a great job that lasted 21 years. The basic law is good for Poland – said Kwaśniewski

. According to him, the constitution does not carry the values ​​of left. – It's a small left-wing constitution. From elsewhere, the left the criticism. The preamble is a reference to God. The law includes a marriage registration as a relationship between a woman and a man. It's also about protecting life in a conservative spirit – he notes.

When asked if there is a good time to change the constitution, Kwasniewski says, "The weather is not special. – Because the alternative is the constitution that will limit our rights and freedoms, subordinated to a voracious political camp –

More in the current edition of the daily Rzeczpospolita

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