Iraq. Two protesters died in clashes with security forces


Two protesters died Sunday in As-Samawa, southern Iraq, during clashes with security forces, local police said. In cities in the south of the country, demonstrations are increasing due to unemployment and widespread corruption.

– Hundreds of people tried to storm the courthouse. We were shot in our direction, we do not know who was shooting. We had no choice but to open fire – said the police representative who is referenced by the Reuters Agency

Sunday morning in Basra, in southeastern Iraq, hundreds of protesters attempted to storm the provincial council seat of this city, where anti-government anti-corruption demonstrations take place on the seventh day.

Army Awaiting

Later, thousands of protesters gathered in front of the building, blocking roads leading to major oil fields to the north and west of Basra. Security forces dispersed the crowd. The Internet has been blocked in Basra province, a stronghold of Iraqi Shiites, reports the Associated Press

. Growing demonstrations spread from Basra to other southern cities of Iraq, Al-Amara, An-Nasirijja and An Najaf. 19659008] As part of the mass demonstrations, the Iraqi government has placed the army in a state of maximum readiness. The national order was given to the military command on the night of Friday to Saturday by Prime Minister Hyder al-Abadi, who is also the head of the Iraqi armed forces.

Author: kz / adso
Source: PAP

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