Youtuberzy is promoting the Pol & # 39; Rock Festival 2018 in the Play campaign –


13/07/2018, 07:54

Tadeusz Żórawski is project director at IAA Poland (photo: private archives)

Tadeusz Żórawski, former managing director of the PHD press house, and currently director of project at IAA Polska, founded the company SmartHuman, which will deal with the organization of regular meetings devoted to new technologies.

– SmartHuman is a novelty on the Polish market, similar to a consulting company, but also bringing together people and companies interested in intelligent solutions and their implementation – Tadeusz Żórawski

Meetings will be paid (approximately 100 PLN per person) and will have the character of lectures of an hour and a half. They will be led by Żórawski, in cooperation with the representatives of the brands that he intends to invite to the project. Each year, 20 to 24 meetings will take place, which means that they will be organized on average every two or three weeks. The first will take place on July 24th. The project partner was Brain Embassy, ​​whose headquarters will be conferences.

Each meeting will focus on one of six areas: Smart Connections, Smart Health, Smart Home, Smart Travel, Smart Work, Smart World. Żórawski will share his knowledge on social media development, regenerative medicine, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. – I have been collecting information for a long time about technological solutions implemented in companies and in the world of consumption. I will show you what are the solutions in this field for Polish companies in the world and in Poland. There are a lot of such solutions here, there is information available in the market, but scattered and companies often lack guidance to whom to turn in a given field – says Żórawski. The founder of SmartHuman has about 150 people who will attend the meetings.

According to Małgorzata Węgierek, CEO of Havas Media Group, the SmartHuman project has a chance of success. – This is certainly an interesting alternative for larger conferences, which are incomparably more expensive. The smart formula allows you to choose the topic that interests you, saving you time and money. It is not unimportant that the project results from the passion of Tadeusz Żórawski. Now it's important to know how to promote it – comments Węgierek.

Tadeusz Żórawski will associate the company SmartHuman with the functions of IAA Polska. Until March 2018, he was managing director of PHD Media House. Previously, he was the multi-year president of the Universal McCann Media House

(IKO, 07/13/2018)

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