The former minister supports the new vote on Brexit


British Prime Minister Theresa May drew all parties Monday on her Brexit strategy while a former minister called it "fudge" and called for a second European referendum, and the Eurosceptics prepared a parliamentary challenge

Justine Greening, who opposed the Brexit, said the May draft of following EU rules on trade in goods without being able to influence them was " the worst of both worlds ". Greening said the decision must be submitted to voters – becoming the highest member of the conservative party in May to support the idea.

"The only solution is to make the final decision of Brexit in the hands of dead politicians, far from it." She wrote in a Times article

May has repeatedly ruled out a second referendum after the British have voted 52% for Brexit in 2016, but Greening Support for a so-called popular vote will give a huge boost to the campaign.

His intervention is also a blow to the plan for strong ties with the country. EU, already criticized by conservatives who want a clean break 19659007] Two high-ranking ministers, Boris Johnson and David Davis, resigned in protest last week, followed by a series of walkouts, including another Monday.

Eurosceptics will have the opportunity to show their strength in the House of Commons vote on amendments to a bill establishing a new customs regime after Brexit, which would destroy actually May's plan.

They should not pass, because the opposition Labor Party will not support them, but will show how many MPs are prepared Meanwhile, May will also test his plan with the EU this week, with Brexit negotiations expected to resume Monday in Brussels and the other 27 leaders should hold their first discussions on the proposal on Friday.

– Split the party –

The Prime Minister defended his plan this weekend, saying that there was no alternative to protect merchandise trade with the company. EU and avoid border controls in Ireland.

Britain controls migration, puts an end to the jurisdiction of the EU courts and forges its own trade policy – despite the fact that US President Donald Trump says it could "kill" a trade agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom. The EU and Davis, the former secretary of Brexit, warned Monday in the Financial Times that he would deny the government the "freedom to manage its own economy."

"It would be extremely dangerous to leave the EU but to remain subject to regulation"

In an article of the Mail on Sunday, May urged eurosceptics to keep their "eyes on the price", warning: "If we do not do it, we risk ending with no Brexit at all. "

Pro-Europeans are also unhappy, inc Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said that this would lead to a" confusing result. "

Some MPs have tabled an amendment to the law on taxes (trade Crossing).) Bill, also known as the Customs Bill, is seeking a new customs union with the EU, which May strongly rejected.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, leader of the powerful European group of search for Eurosceptic conservative deputies, warned

He accused the Prime Minister of never giving up his support for staying in the EU, saying Sunday to the BBC that she was "a person remaining in "

Rees-Mogg said that she still had time to change course, but said that the current plan would only go through Parliament with the support of the votes of the Opposition. "The inevitable consequence of arithmetic it is necessary that it will have to change to keep the party united ". he told BBC televisio No.

British Prime Minister Theresa May could be the target of attacks from her fellow citizens and supporters of the EU this week

Greening said that May's plan would follow EU rules on trade in goods without being able to influence Jacob Rees-Mogg said that May had the choice to rewrite his plans on Brexit or to split the conservatives and sneak on the back of the votes of the opposition

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