May Wins First Commons Vote on Customs Amendment: Brexit Update


Prime Minister Theresa May faces opposition from her party at Brexit and fights to quell a rebellion within her party

May Wins First Vote on the Brexit Amendment ( 22:00)

the first of the crucial votes of the House of Commons Monday on the pro-Brexit amendments that she accepted – but he was exceptionally close.

Despite a violent reaction from pro-EU conservatives like Anna Soubry and Dominic Grieve, May won 305 votes to 302.

As a result, she must now try to persuade the EU to collect British fares on goods destined for Great Britain as part of its Brexit plan.

Plan for lawmakers to take early holidays (9:30 pm)

While rumors of conspiracy against Theresa May swirl around Westminster, a plan is being drawn up to send MPs off early in summer.

The House of Commons will hold a vote Tuesday to make an early break for summer recess, according to a fam iliar person with the case. The holidays will start on Tuesday, July 24, but will start at the end of business on Thursday, 19, if lawmakers support the plan.

Mai is under pressure from the pro and anti-Brexit wings of her conservative party and has suffered a succession of resignations from her government team to protest against her plan to maintain close ties with the EU.

It is much harder for lawmakers to coordinate their opposition in May if they are scattered in the country or the rest of the world. vacation and Parliament is not sitting. Early holidays would certainly give the government a break

Anger grows as the votes on the customs approach (20:40)

Former Minister Nicky Morgan said at an event in the center of London that she was "very angry" about the government's retrocession to the conservative Eurosceptics She said she would vote against the amendments.

The anti-Brexit conservatives are becoming more numerous to pressure and it could be enough for seven rebels to defeat the government if all opposition parties vote against it.

Soubry has previously accused his colleagues of sacrificing jobs in the interest of Brexit at all costs. "What they said in these private conversations is that the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs will be worth it to regain the sovereignty of our country. She said, "No one has voted on the grounds that someone with a gold plated pension and wealth inherited would take away their work," added Soubry in an attack on her.

The first votes are expected around 9 pm

Pro-European conservatives plan to rebel during the vote (20h25)

Dominic Grieve, leader of the pro-EU rebels in the Conservative Party of May, He says that He will vote against the amendments, telling lawmakers that the government has accepted amendments to the bill that he knows to be inadequate and poorly drafted. "It's just an intimidation exercise" and the deposit by Euroskeptics was malicious, he says. There is still "an exercise in deception and self-deception" about the implications of leaving the EU, says Grieve.

Former Secretary of Conservative Education Justine Greening pleads for a second referendum. profound divisio ns in terms of people's points of view. "It's time for the British public to have the last word," she told lawmakers.

Trying to deceive the question will not help, she adds. "Stand in the middle of the road is very dangerous."

Presidents of Commissions Warn of Trade Agreements (6:20 pm)

While Brexiters say it's a key advantage to leave the country. EU is that the United Kingdom will be able to conclude agreements with According to other countries, "even a wide range of transactions will probably not compensate for the losses resulting from the departure of the single market and the customs union in the short and medium term ", according to Nicky Morgan, Chair of the Special Committee on the Treasury, and Angus MacNeil, his SNP counterpart on the Committee on International Trade

The joint letter to legislators says that any trade agreement that the United Kingdom does in outside the EU would be "shallower and less comprehensive" and with more distant and less economically developed countries. "It is therefore unlikely that the economic benefits of free-trade agreements with third t exceed the costs of leaving the single market and the customs union in the short and medium term, "he added.

Grieve states Brexiters try to "destroy" bill (17:57)

Pro-European Conservative Dominic Grieve says Brexiters' only goal is to "sabotage" the draft customs bill. He calls these changes "useless" and states that "the only intention behind their filing was malicious".

His comments come during a long speech by his colleague Anna Soubry, which challenges companies and manufacturers. with the EU. It is attacked by pro-Brexit legislators, and it criticizes the government for accepting the amendments.

"They are clearly trying to undermine if not demolish the great advances that have been made in this white paper," she says. On the other hand, Labor legislator Chris Leslie says he fears that the Prime Minister's agenda will be replaced by a "Brexit Trumpian hard"

The pro-EU conservatives are coming back in turn in May (17:00)

line is that nothing has changed, the pro-EU conservatives are not convinced. "Should we rely on government statements for more than a week or two?" Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Ken Clarke asked Liam Fox, Secretary of Commerce in the House of Commons

had their own furious meeting with Chief Whip Julian Smith, and accused the government of giving up. Two of them, Heidi Allen and Anna Soubry, said they would vote against two of the amendments, rebelling against the current government position, in support of the government's position last week.

Are the accepted amendments contradictory? (16:55 pm)

At first glance, there is a contradiction between what the government's proposals say: "the United Kingdom does not propose that the EU apply tariffs and policy UK trade on its borders intended for the UK "- and what the rebel amendment says, that the government can not collect tariffs for the EU unless the countries of the United EU send an account "of duties and taxes levied in this country on a basis of reciprocity".

If you think about it, James's spokesman, James Slack, has a message for you: "Your interpretation is wrong." His officials insist that there is no contradiction. It is a debate of lawyers, but it should be kept in mind that the EU would have only to collect tariffs for the United Kingdom if Britain decided to levy higher duties than the EU, and not a contingency.

International Trade Secretary Liam Fox explains how the government will negotiate new trade agreements from April 2019, by which time the UK will no longer be in the EU. Speaking in the House of Commons after May, he said that there would be public consultations for each new free trade agreement, lasting 14 weeks, so that people could "share their goals and their concerns ".
trade agreements. Some "confidentiality" will be needed, as in any negotiation, he added.

Mai insists that his Brexit plan is not dead (16:25)

Labor legislator Stephen Kinnock told May that the conservative Eurosceptics show that his Brexit plan – agreed to his residence Checkers campaign – is "dead in the water."

May be in disagreement. "He is absolutely wrong," she said in the House of Commons. The amendments that the government is now accepting "do not change this Checkers agreement" and a minister will clarify it later, she said. May added that she would not have worked so hard to obtain an agreement that her firm could only unite to reject it so early.

Number 10: Climbdown & # 39; Compatible & # 39; with Checkers (16:15)

May's spokeswoman James Slack told reporters that the amendments tabled by the Brexiters and accepted by the government were "in line with the white paper".

Slack claims that the amendments do not contradict the White Paper's proposal. "The formula will ensure this reciprocity," he says

Pro-Brexit conservatives may back down (3:35 pm)

Eurosceptic rebels of the European research group Tory forced May to retreat to avoid a detrimental revolt in a vote on a key Brexit law Monday

The rebels had discussions with government whips and persuaded May's team to accept the proposed amendments to its Brexit plan.

This will add another complication to the May negotiations with the EU: the Prime Minister will now have to ask the EU to collect United Kingdom tariffs as part of its new draft. agreement with the block after the Brexit.

Originally, she was proposing to levy EU tariffs, but one of the main amendments – proposed by Priti Patel – would prohibit it unless. a reciprocal agreement has been concluded for the EU to collect duties on goods destined for the United Kingdom. 004] Speaking earlier, Patel told Bloomberg that the May plan meant giving more to the EU, rather than regaining control. "We will become a tax collector for them," she said. "The white paper is not a white paper, it's a white flag."

Brexiters Set May Ultimatum as the growth of rebellion (1:41 PM)

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May faces a new ultimatum from the Eurosceptics in her conservative party: accepting their demands to tear up her Brexit plan, or to trigger a revolt that would threaten her grip on power.

Since she pushed through a proposal to keep close ties to the single market of the European Union, May has suffered the resignation of nine members of her government team in protest, including two key ministers – Foreign Affairs Minister Boris Johnson and Brexit Secretary David Davis.

The pro-Brexit wing of the Tory party is mobilizing against May's plan, which is featured in a so-called white paper, and will propose a series of changes that would rewrite it effectively. May is assessing whether to accept the amendments, even if they would tie their hands in the negotiations.

"This white paper is not a white paper, it's a white flag," Priti Patel, a former pro-Brexit. cabinet minister who proposes the new clauses, said in an interview. "These amendments are aimed at regaining control, delivering the Brexit that the British public has voted and giving priority to our country."

The stakes are high. The month of May has only three months to negotiate the final withdrawal treaty and a framework for the future trade agreement before the self-imposed deadline of October. Progress has stalled, mainly because the block was waiting for the UK to say what it wants.

If May confronts her conservative critics, forcing them to vote against her and reveal their strength, she takes the risk that if many do it, it could precipitate her downfall. The amendments are supported by pro-Brexit activists, including Jacob Rees-Mogg, and some press reports have put the number of conservative lawmakers considering voting for them to more than 100.

But if the Prime Minister accepts the Amendments in the hope of overthrowing them later, she would agree that she does not have the internal support to execute her plan, something else that might see her deported.

May finally pushed her vision of a mild Brexit by the Cabinet on July 6, but Johnson and Davis resigned two days later because they could not support the plan to maintain the Kingdom United tied to EU regulations on trade goods forever. May says plan is the only possible one

Two May office officials said the government was considering accepting the rebels' amendments, which would mean that all Conservatives would probably support them

. Border Trade) Bill that pro-Brexit lawmakers propose to debate Monday. The first is the most difficult for the month of May as it would prevent it from implementing its plan to levy EU tariffs after Brexit, unless the EU n & # 39; 39, agrees to collect fees on behalf of the United Kingdom.

The second would prevent the United Kingdom from concluding a post-Brexit customs union with the EU, without new specific legislation. This would prevent the prime minister from accepting the result of a vote in the Parliament of his party's pro-EU legislators, as well as legislators from the opposition Labor party, who are plotting to keep the UK in a customs union.

The United Kingdom will maintain a separate EU value added tax regime, while the fourth will cease in May to accept the EU 's proposal to avoid a Border with Ireland

"The government sadly estimates that Brexit is not a good thing." Rees-Mogg told the BBC's "Sunday Politics" program. "He seems to think that he should be tempered with non-Brexit."

Brexit Bulletin: Show of Strength
Conservative MP Scott Mann resigns from UK Treasury position [19659070] Carbon traders prepare for exit from the United Kingdom of the EU market (1)
May unveils the British model of Brexit, but banks stand out

– With the help of Jess Shankleman

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