As much as 68 per cent Poles positively evaluate their financial situation. And it's not thanks to 500+


According to the KRD report as much as 30 percent Poles admit that their financial situation compared to last year is better, while those who are worse off are 10 points. percent. less. The improvement in the financial situation was mainly influenced by the increase in household income (in 67% of cases), and much less frequently (27% of indications) by the reduction of expenditure and the possibility of # 39; spare. In turn, 15 percent. The Poles admitted that they had more money at their disposal because they managed to repay their outstanding debts in the form of loans or loans. At the same time, 9 percent. The situation is attributed to the program 500+

  Evaluation of the financial situation Evaluation of the financial situation

On the other hand, the Poles see the reasons for the deterioration of the situation in the expenditure increase the costs of living in the country. He indicated up to 61 percent. Polish whose financial situation has deteriorated. In turn, 22 percent. admitted that he had a worse financial situation, because their incomes decreased compared to last year.

Compared with the first edition of the survey "Polish statistical portfolio" with 7 percent. up to 25 percent the percentage of people has increased, stating that they have not at all to limit their spending. They are mainly young or middle-aged people with higher or secondary education, residents of large cities with household incomes over 6,000. PLN

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"The more we earn, the more we expect from life"

It should be noted that high incomes are not always a good financial situation. Still in the group of the best employees, 7 percent appeared. statements of serious financial hardship, also given

– The income reported by the respondents is the household income. These may be large families in which this amount is not enough for all needs. The more we earn, the more we expect from life: a nice apartment, a newer car, expensive clothes, etc. All this costs and as our interlocutors point out: the costs of living in Poland increase – says KRD chairman Adam £ ccki, quoted in the press release

– Certainly people with big incomes but state that "they are not enough for their current needs" or "they have to reduce their expenses", they have not really thought about their financial strategy, they have made too many commitments, They just do not have the right earnings today. That's why we always say, no matter what your income, it's worth having a financial buffer to avoid trouble. Debt is not only the domain of the poorest and those living on the poverty line, as it may seem, but to a large extent the problem of the middle class, which is pretty good, "adds Łęczyka.

 Reasons for improving the financial situation Reasons for improving the financial situation

Those who were in pain, even worse

Although the share of Poles who are in difficult conditions The financial situation, today, as three years ago is similar, it is significant that the percentage of people who assess their situation extremely poorly financial has risen.At present, up to 9 percent, people have admitted that "they are not even enough for current needs", whereas it was 3 years ago that was 4%.

It's by far the worst among those who have the incomes lower (with net income up to 2,000 PLN, 24% was indicated) and among people with a basic education (23%). The financial situation of retirees and pensioners is also difficult. 19% of them admitted that they were not enough for their lives, and 30% more. must limit spending

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Profits go up, men with financial optimists

All three The division expects an increase in profits over the next 12 months. Interestingly, compared to the first edition of the survey "Polish statistical portfolio", the percentage of people who positively see an increase in earnings rose from 12%. in 2015 up to 35 percent now

– Financial optimists are more often men (47% vs. 27%) and younger people. The younger they are, the more they expect the salary to increase. The best chance of raising rates is that of the best placed (household income of more than 6,000 PLN) – almost half of them expect a rise in income. Less likely to win the least: up to 2,000 – 26 percent. The report was prepared on the basis of the results of research conducted by Kantar Millward Brown on a representative group of Poles

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