Farmers' protest. The state refrigerated warehouse is to help fruit growers


On Sunday in Kraśnik, embittered by low fruit prices, producers drowned Prime Minister Morawiecki's speech. Przemysław Czarnek explained that prices in the agricultural market are not regulated by the state, but private companies – processing factories.

– It is necessary to restore regulatory and intervention capacity in the market – he diagnosed Monday. – That is why the decision was made that the wholesale market of Lublin "Elizówka" as a public company will be in possession of a cold store and will start to buy tender fruit today. ; hui. While he could be a player in this market – announced the voevoda.

In addition, a farm service center will be built in Elizówce. – We want to make sure that a farmer from various agricultural institutions spends as little time as possible on farming activities to the fullest – Czarnek explains.

The construction of the center will begin in the autumn of 2019

Małgorzata Dęga of Urzędów is 24 years old. – Malin Friday plantation and farmers among the demonstrators in Warsaw. – It's good that they do something, but this season the cold storage of Elizówce will not work – he comments and adds that maybe the effects will be the year next. – However, I do not think so because this single action in the Lublin region will do nothing. They will not convert so much on such a big market – he announces

Deaga enumerates that he has credits on his head, and that's his tractor's team, for which she will have to pay too. – I am already looking for a contact with the Dutchman that we were going to work on his farm. She is smaller than me and her husband, and we have to go – he adds

SEE ALSO: Farmers protested in Warsaw against low purchase prices

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