"Internet in Poland will be severely censored if the government implements this idea – Niebezpiecznik.pl –


The PiS government wants to create a blacklist of areas that will be blocked as part of the offering of various illegal goods and services – this information is provided by DGP. Various departments and offices will add to this, and some members would also like to block pornography. We hope this information will only be gossip.

There is no bill yet on this issue, but DGP says that there was a letter from the Deputy Minister of Health Józefa Szczurek-Żelazko to the Secretary of the Standing Committee of the Council ministers. We will try to arrive at this letter and will let you know when we find it.

If you believe the DGP, the PiS government wants to do exactly what you feared since the introduction of the register of areas serving the games. Even then, it was said that if the government created a "black list of pages", other "black lists" would be created every day to fight other phenomena. It is always easier to develop once implemented than to implement a completely new one.

Unless the DGP has returned nothing, the government wants to create a central register of prohibited areas that will be completed by the departments of digitization, finance and infrastructure.

Sometimes it's better not to censor

We should not be very surprised. The intention to introduce new registries of prohibited areas was already visible. The KNF had to be able to block the parties to the fraud. There was also the idea of ​​introducing the so-called Lex Uber, the law that allows to block selected mobile applications in order to fight Uber. For a long time, we watched the work on Lex Uber and wondered why they stopped. We even thought (naively) that the government would like to slowly withdraw from stupid ideas.

Let us add that the members of the party in power now wanted to censor pornography when it reigned over POs. A group of MPs has prepared a resolution asking the Minister of Digitization to tackle the problem. The project was eventually withdrawn from the Sejm for procedural reasons (it was in 2015), but the idea that the state would occupy itself with the "purity" of citizens was already becoming popular ( also among the unconscious politicians of the PiS)

PL after the implementation of the plans described by DGP

The worst thing in DGP reports is that the idea is apparently supported by the Department of Digitization which is the department that should best understand why this is a bad idea. When the minister of digitization was Anna Streżyńska, the ministry was able to defend the freedom of the internet.

A side effect of this type of ideas might be an increased interest in VPN services. Paradoxically, this may have some good points.

We asked some questions to the Department of Digitization and the Department of Health. We will probably update this text.

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