Porn on screen in the center of Hrubieszów. They could not turn off the movie, they called the police


Recently, a modern infomat was installed in the center of Hrubieszów. It is a replacement and an ideal complement to traditional leaflets or stationary tourist information, which only work for certain hours. The device is designed to familiarize tourists and residents with the history and attractions of the city. Infomat in Hrubieszów has fulfilled its function, but only up to.

  Infomat in Hrubieszów posted a pornographic film Infomat in Hrubieszów showed a pornographic film Fig. piacom | Wikipedia

A Saturday late in the evening, strolling through the center of Hrubieszów, they noticed that the infomat set up recently posted incorrect content. Instead of information about the city and its surroundings, passersby could see the … porn video.

As reported by, several people tried to disable the registration, but none of them was successful. The inhabitants of the city covered the device with aluminum foil and called the computer and the police.

Around 10 pm, a police patrol appeared on the scene, which confirmed the request. Fortunately, the computer scientist managed to make the movie more visible and landed in the "taskbar," says "Kurier Lubelski." Eventually, the device was turned off.

– Check what content was shared and who could see it. The area is completely monitored – says Edyta Krystowiak of the police in Hrubieszów in a conversation with the newspaper

Most likely, someone managed to break the security of information and a lot of mess with him. However, the buffoon will not come out. The police search the perpetrator of the incident and check, among other things, the surrounding supervision. Mobility is punishable by a fine or even two years in prison.

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