Venus and the moon appeared in the sky together, and the photographers liked it


  Conjunction of Venus and the Moon

Getty Images Ovidio Gonzalez S

On Sunday night, the moon was next to Venus in the sky. The crescent moon was two degrees from Venus in the middle of twilight, appearing one next to the other to the naked eye.

This is a perfect alignment, because the moon is about 240,000 miles from the Earth, while Venus is about 400 times farther. (Mercury also trailed nearby in some photos, bottom right).

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Of course, people took their phones to capture the big moment, and shared the amazing images on social media.

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a chance to get the Venus and the moon together on camera, do not worry. While the rush hour was Sunday night, the two will stay close a few more nights this week. In addition, Venus will remain visible over the western horizon until September. And for viewers in the United States, Venus and the moon will move closer to the west coast, while both will look four times further for East Coast observers, according to .

As for the other celestial events to watch, we are approaching the day of the longest lunar eclipse of this century, which arrives on July 27th. Unfortunately, this memorable event will not be visible in the United States. But the next total lunar eclipse that will be visible from the United States is only seven months old, visible on January 20, 2019.

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