The KNF authorized the division of Deutsche Bank Polska. BZ WBK is waiting to finalize the acquisition


  The KNF gave the green light. BZ WBK expects to close the transaction in the fourth quarter of this year.
Fig. Maciej Luczniewski / REPORTER / EAST NEWS

The KNF gave the green light. BZ WBK plans to close the transaction in the fourth quarter of this year

BZ WBK has already paved the way for the finalization of Deutsche Bank's takeover. The division of Deutsche Bank Polska SA has been unanimously approved

The division, as we read in the supervisory opinion, should be carried out by separating part of the assets of Deutsche Bank Polska SA and Bank Zachodni WBK against shares of Bank Zachodni WBK. Deutsche Bank AG

This means that some assets of DB Polska will be included in the form of an organized part of the business including retail banking, private banking and the business bank ( SME) in BZ WBK

DB Polska SA will continue its activities in the territory. Polish in the field of corporate finance and investment, as well as retail mortgage loans in foreign currency, which will remain in DB Polska after the separation.

See also: Banking in your pocket. The poles are carrying out more and more transactions on their smartphone

The end of the transaction and the transfer of customer products to BZ WBK are planned for the fourth quarter of this year. With the inclusion of a separate part of DB Poland, the signage will change.

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