Police will take charge of order and security during the protest of the citizens of the Republic of Poland


Police will provide order and security during the demonstration of citizens of Poland

– assured the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Joachim Brudzinski, referring at the event scheduled for Wednesday.

We hope that the meeting of the Sejm will run smoothly

– pointed out the director of the IEC, Andrzej Grzegrzółka

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On Wednesday morning, Polish citizens announced a demonstration under the slogan "Sejm is ours"

We will enter and will demonstrate peacefully where the forbidden power – closed by @MarekKuchcinski Sejmu area

– posted on Twitter Citizens of the Republic of Poland.

Opposition deputies will be with us. Come with us or be close. @pisorgpl catches the shortness of breath – the initiative belongs to us!

– they argue

Brudziński, referring to these words, wrote on Twitter that "too excited by the announcement of another row of" Democrats "who for three years no longer I can not accept the democratic choice of the Poles, I calm down. @Policja_KSP will always take care of the order and security, everyone. Citizen Kasprzaka too. "

The portal wPolityce.pl asked the Sejm Information Center questions about how the CIS relates to such announcements and whether the Sejm is ready for such a situation

Referring to the questions I am asking We hope and hope that the 67th meeting of the Sejm will take place without unnecessary confusion The political differences and even the harsh statements of various representatives of the political scene should not affect the security and organization of work Parliament is a place where different points of view face each other, but it would be good if high political temperature does not lead to undesirable events

– Director of the IEC , Andrzej Grzegrzółka, answered to the portal

to ensure security and order in the Sejm complex.The external circumstances still determine the actions of the guards

– On the Facebook page of the Event, it is written that the Sejm session begins on July 18, from which the protesters "call for an immediate change of the judicial laws in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission".

This is the last moment to avoid a trial in the EU Court of Justice, whose expected sentence will be evident. The judgment of the International Tribunal will exclude Poland from the family of legitimate States. PiS corresponds to the acceleration of the replacement of the composition of the judges of the Supreme Court. It must be stopped

– stressed

Activists of civil movements: the COD, strike of women and citizens of the Republic of Poland will enter this day on the blocked barriers and the ban of Kuchciński, an area illegally closed around the parliament buildings. They will be supported by opposition MPs, their immunities will also protect citizens, and MPs and senators will provide assistance

It was noted that "this peaceful demonstration and no force or aggression will not be used by any of the protesters. "

belongs to the authorities. Either they will accept a civic gathering on the "forbidden land" or, openly, in the eyes of the Polish and international public opinion, they will support the parliamentary immunities

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