Nationalists beat the CODE activist. Sam heard the accusations


New facts about the fight that took place a year ago in Radom. The CODE activist, who was beaten by members of Polish youth, himself heard the accusations.

A group of young Polish youths wearing T-shirts appeared on the CODE manifest. They shouted slogans: "Once with a sickle, once with a hammer a red riffraff!" Activists and supporters of the Committee for the Defense of Democracy tried to silence the nationalists with sirens, applause and hisses.

At one point, there was a fight between representatives from both sides. KOD representatives then informed on social media that one of their activists had been attacked by representatives of the Polish Youth. They, in turn, claimed that they had to defend their friend attacked by a KOD representative.

Three young men heard allegations about the beating of the KOD activist. The sympathizer of the Committee for the Defense of Democracy also joined this group. He was supposed to "take part in a fight with other established persons, during which he would strike his feet and return him to the ground, thus exposing the participants to this immediate danger of death or the intended effect. in Article 156 paragraph 1 or Article 157 paragraph 1 Penal Code, ie for an offense under Article 158, paragraph 1, of the Penal Code. "The man has informed on Facebook.

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