There are more and more payment terminals – Biznes


The number of places you can pay with a card is record, which was contributed by the Polish program without coins.

At the end of March, there were 657,300 in Poland. payment terminals (so-called POS) – data results from the National Bank of Poland. It's up to 94 thousand. More than a year ago, that is, the growth rate is much higher than before (in previous years, there were 70-80 thousand terminals per year). year, more than 90,000 recently). This is probably largely the result of the non-monetary Polish program (launched in February alone this year), of which more than 50,000 have already been installed. payment terminals. Most terminal contracts have been signed in the following provinces: Mazowieckie, Silesia and Małopolskie. According to estimates, for three years, thanks to an investment of a total amount of 600 million PLN (money from banks, agents and card companies), 500,000 can come. terminals. The program is designed for companies that have not yet used terminals. They will now be able to use them for free for a year.

Entrepreneurs who joined the Polish Non-Cash Program represent more than 300 types of activity. The terminal is most often decided by store owners, including grocery stores, restaurants, hairdressers and cosmetics, and transportation services. Entrepreneurs in the automotive industry and medical services are becoming more interested in the program.

– Small stores and service outlets are unique centers of local communities where relationships are built on mutual trust and loyalty. Their owners do not want to disappoint the expectations of their customers who form the basis of their business and their existence. Customers, however, often prefer to use them because they can save time, get personalized service and help. That's why we are very excited about the program from micro and small entrepreneurs. Our goal is to popularize modern non-monetary payments, so that they can be used as easily and universally as with traditional cash payments – said Mieczysław Groszek, chairman of the Polska Bezgotówkowa Foundation. Micro, small and medium sized entrepreneurs with up to 5 outlets willing to start accepting non-cash payments for their goods and services and not accepting non-cash payments at their retail outlets and services in the last 12 months

An entrepreneur who decides to join the program will receive support from the Foundation to cover the costs associated with receiving the terminal for card acceptance and the costs of processing the card. Cashless payments for a period of 12 months. The reseller can receive a maximum of three terminals, including an mPOS terminal. For each terminal, the co-financing period is calculated for 12 months separately from its installation

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