Ryanair: 600 canceled flights due to a staff strike on 25 and 26 July


Canceled calls will affect a total of 100,000 passengers. There are flights to Spain, Portugal and Belgium and these countries. The protests have also been announced by employees from Italy, but – as the company said – flights in this country must be carried out as planned. For customers whose flights were canceled, Ryanair proposed to use another route within seven days before or after 25 and 26 July. Customers will also receive a full refund of the ticket price.

Unions representing Ryanair's crews require all employment contracts to be based on local legislation, not Irish law, throughout Europe, and that they all enjoy the same terms and conditions. , whether they are employed directly or hired through an outside company. Salary requests are also issued.

The unions issued a statement inviting the European Commission and the governments of all European countries in which Ryanair operates to take action in relation to the "social dumping" practiced by an Irish carrier.

Ryanair states that the conditions it offers its employees are competitive and often better than those offered by its rivals, and that the demands of the unions are "useless".

Ryanair flies in 37 countries. Last year, it carried 130 million passengers. Before Christmas last year, he prevented a wave of strikes, deciding to recognize unions, for the first time in 32 years of history.


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