Sejm: The Committee heard the RPO's information on respect for human rights –


On Wednesday, at the meeting of the human rights and justice commissions, mediator Adam Bodnar presented information on the respect for human rights and civil liberties in 2017 and on the activities the Ombudsman. ) requested that representatives of the Committee for the Defense of Democracy and Citizens of the Republic of Poland be present at the meeting. The head of the commission Stanisław Piotrowicz (Law and Justice) stressed that "there are several thousand non-governmental organizations in Poland" and informed that the organizations that attended the meeting had previously submitted a asked the secretariat of the commission. Representatives from Amnesty International, the Campaign Against Homophobia, the Watchdog Poland Civic Network and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights attended the meeting.

In his speech, Bodnar spoke about the legislative changes concerning the constitutional system. "The greatest concern is the non-respect of the constitutional principle of social dialogue and cooperation between the authorities, including the lack of consultation on the draft of many important laws. In addition, the changes to the functioning of the common courts, the Council National Judiciary and Supreme Court increase the influence of political factors. The role of the Constitutional Court is also very limited, "he said [1965900] adding that" there are many limitations to our rights and freedoms of a personal and political nature ". example, he indicated, inter alia "violation of the right to organize the counter-demonstration."

He pointed out that the Constitutional Court's judgment concerning financial benefits for carers of disabled adults n & # The judgment of the Constitutional Court of 2015 concerning the partial unconstitutionality of the provision authorizing the annulment of an administrative decision pronounced without violation of the law, without any time limit, was still pending. is not executed [19659002] The spokesman said that an increase in crimes motivated by prejudice or hatred race, ethnic origin or nationality and religion.

According to the office of the Permanent Representative , a procedure should be put in place to reconcile the sex of transgender people, which will not force them to sue their parents. "There is still a lot to do to respect the rights of homosexuals and gay couples, but also to fight against homophobia," he added.

Bodnar also spoke of the problems of non-payment of child support after divorce, the fight against domestic violence and the situation of parents caring for people with disabilities.

The APR also drew attention to the need to protect women's rights. "The year we celebrate the centennial of women's electoral rights, we must examine whether these rights are fully implemented – in the context of health protection, the effective implementation of the Family Planning Law. and abortion, domestic violence, balancing professional and private roles or perinatal care, "he said.He noted that he was pleased that the issue of perinatal care, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, addresses his presentation.

"Human rights violations in Poland affect those who are weakest – those who can not reprimand or for various reasons – He said. In this context, he highlighted homeless people, affected by mental health and people living in rural areas affected by various energy, construction or industrial investments.

"As a POR, I will do everything in my power to help the citizens. He would look for solutions, because if we manage to help another person, the next group excluded, it is worth it, but at the same time I will not stop being faithful to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997. "- said Bodnar.

At the committee meeting, opposition MPs positively evaluated the mediator and his office." Last year made it clear that it was not the same. today the ROP is one of the last repetitions of the defense of human rights, "said Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz (Nowoczesna)

Michał Szczerba (PO) stressed that" the spokesperson of ordinary people "." The injured, vulnerable, excluded, very often left to themselves, will bring him back (…) I would like to draw attention to all these activities that he puts impartially and competently, concerning the elderly, the disabled, the homeless "

Among the questions raised by the Opposition MPs about RPOs, the level of funding of the office of the RDP was often problematic

. Bodnar reports that in recent years, new tasks have been successively imposed on the ROP, without additional funding. He pointed out that the last change, as a result of which the mediator has new tasks, is the granting of the competence to file an extraordinary complaint. "So far, more than 1000 complaint requests to the ROP office have been received," he said. He announced that he would ask the Prime Minister to transfer funds into the RDP budget or allocate funds from the budget reserve for the effective processing of petitions regarding urgent complaints.

Bartłomiej Wróblewski (PiS) said that many actions taken by the spokesperson. At the same time, he drew attention to the issue of "joining (the spokesperson) in a political conflict in Poland and a strong and related politicization of the ROP institution itself" . "The main problem I see in your activities and your public speeches is that regularly … your speeches correspond to the declaration of one side of the political conflict," he said.

Kazimierz Smoliński (PiS) felt that In the information presented, the spokesperson focused on the information relating to the respect of human rights and not on the report of the ROP which, as Mr. Smolinski said, "looks like an attachment to information". "It is, in my opinion, a violation of your constitutional duty," he said. He asked how many proposals the Ombudsman withdrew from the Constitutional Court and he informed those interested in the case.

Bodnar responded that one of the reasons for the withdrawal of motions was to see the changes in the composition of the Tribunal. "Not separate opinions." "I say it forcefully: in the cases of Systemic importance, in which there is a deep political interest, we can not, in my opinion, count the independence of the Constitutional Court. " "This is related to the arbitration of people who – in my opinion – are not allowed …" – he added

This statement was interrupted by chairman of the commission Stanisław Piotrowicz. "It is a confirmation that your speech was and is a political manifesto: you do not represent the citizens, you do not defend the citizens, you implement a political mission," he said. protests from opposition MPs who said the spokesperson could not answer all the questions. (PAP)

author: Olga Zakolska

publisher: Marcin Kucharzewski

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