The former head of the ABC heard accusations. "Me and my family have been victims of retaliation by some prominent politicians today" – Polityka – all about politics in


The former head of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau is suspected of suspecting that the director of the Central Office of the ABC in Warsaw was guilty of offenses for financial gain or personal gain. did not report to the prosecutor's office. [19659002] In addition, on April 3, 2012 Paweł Wojtunik was to take a decision, following which the documents that could serve as evidence in the investigation conducted by the Krakow Prosecutor's Office were destroyed [19659002] The former head of the Central Office of Anti-Corruption maintains that he was released. However, the records show that there was no notice and the employee retired.

The prosecutor accused Paweł Wojtunik of infringement of the art. 239 pairs 1 of the Penal Code and Art. 231 pairs 2 of the Penal Code, which is punishable by a sentence of 1 to 10 years imprisonment.

In the 19459004 declaration adopted on Thursday, PAP Wojtunik said that he wanted to fight for justice under his full name. According to him, because in the past he has contributed to the condemnation of the current coordinators of the special services – the minister Mariusz Kamiński and his deputies Maciej Wąsik – thus using all the money. state apparatus with him

In a statement, he assured that in his actions, he always followed the letter of the law. – Regardless of the political options, I have chased out those who have decided to act against the state. Today, I carry this consequence e – evaluated. He recalled that he had been dealing with the crime since 1992 in the police, the Central Investigation Bureau, the ABC and now as an adviser to the European Union on the corruption in Moldova

Now, I feel my family again, we have been victims of retaliation by some prominent politicians today. At all costs, I'm looking for materials that can weigh me – said the former head of the ABC. He added that his wife was deprived of work at the time

. He indicated that he would report to the prosecutor's office, despite being on sick leave after surgery and mobility issues, but that he would still abide by the law.

In June 2016, special services coordinator Mariusz Kamiński provided the members of the Sejm Special Services Committee with a list of 52 journalists who, as he said at the time, were in the US. operational interest of the Internal Security Agency and the ABC. He revealed at the same time that it was about "working on writing at the end of 2009-2010 Rzeczpospolita in relation to the gaming scandal and the disclosure of materials."

In June 2016 also Minister of Justice, Attorney General Zbigniew Ziobro informed that the issue of pressure on the media and the monitoring of journalists at the time PO-PSL will be investigated by the Regional Prosecutor of Krakow

Wojtunik, as head of the ABC, reported to the prosecutor's office against Kaminski and other officials of the Office. special on the so-called ground scandal, which led to the conviction of Kaminski and three of his colleagues at trial in the prison. They were pardoned by the president in 2015 Andrzej Duda .

The band deal returns. The former head of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau will be arrested for the alleged invasion of Cezary Gmyz?

The Krakow prosecutor's office wants to accuse former ABC chief, Paweł Wojtunik.
The allegations must relate to the alleged invasion of a journalist.
Probably it comes to Cezary Gmyza – reported "Politics".

The Krakow Regional Prosecutor's Office called Paweł Wojtunik on Thursday, July 19 as a suspect in proceedings brought by the Department for Economic Crime. This means that the former head of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau will hear allegations about what a detention application may be made, "wrote Polityka

Wojtunik – as the latest edition of the weekly – n & rsquo;

According to information from the Krakow Prosecutor's Office, the alleged surveillance of the journalist by the military counterintelligence service during the PO government (in report with the gang scandal.) The investigators do not reveal the name, but Cezary Gmyza Before the PiS took power, he filed an opinion "- we read.

Paweł Wojtunik acts as advisor to the Prime Minister of Moldova to fight corruption on behalf of the EU for two years and is therefore covered by diplomatic immunity . he did not want to comment on the "Polityka" case, but he announced the publication of the statement before the hearing, which He did something like this

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