Donald Trump threatens the European Union. He does not like the punishment for Google


  Donald Trump without forgiveness attacks the EU
Fig. AFP / Mandel DGAN

Donald Trump without attacking the EU

Donald Trump once again threatens the European Union. This time, he did not like the fact that the community is punishing American society for abusing its position and strengthening its monopoly.

4.43 billion – that's exactly what Google has to pay to use its dominant position in the market that is contrary to EU regulation. This is the highest sentence ever imposed by the European Commission. It is therefore not surprising that the Americans have already announced the call, and the President of the United States will take the defense companies and attack the public.

Trump's War

He'll do it his way – via Twitter, simply and brutally. "I tell you, the European Union punishes one of our largest companies, Google, with five billion penalties, they really use the United States, but it will be a leap," Trump writes.

The entry of the President of the United States is another grave intended for the European Union. A few weeks ago, news revealed that Donald Trump was urging French President Emmanuel Macron to leave the EU. In return, they offer a favorable bilateral trade agreement. In turn, a few days ago in an interview for CBS NEWS, he will say without hesitation that "the European Union is the enemy of the United States". How to explain, it is imbalance in the trade.

The beginning of the open dispute was the decision on the United States to import goods from the EU. The community responded the same thing.

See this: Apple bosses push on Trump:

The punishment of Google

The penalty imposed on Google is antitrust proceedings several years before the EC. In the opinion of EU officials, Americans have used their position to eliminate competition in the market. among others by forcing Android manufacturers to install on smartphones.

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